* Use dh_autoreconf.
* Remove autotools-dev build dependency.
* Remove merged patch 03_datafile-f-switch.
- * Provide debugging symbols with a new abook-dbg binary package.
* Add debhelper token into maintainers scripts.
* Rename postinst and postrm files into abook.*
* Switch debian/copyright file to machine readable format.
abook is a text-based ncurses address book application. It provides many
different fields of user info. abook is designed for use with mutt, but
can be used independently.
-Package: abook-dbg
-Architecture: any
-Depends: abook (=${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
-Priority: extra
-Section: debug
-Suggests: gdb
-Description: text-based ncurses address book application - debug package
- abook is a text-based ncurses address book application. It provides many
- different fields of user info. abook is designed for use with mutt, but
- can be used independently.
- .
- This package contains debugging symbols for abook.
dh $@ --with autoreconf
-#Place debugging symbols into abook-dbg package
- dh_strip --dbg-package=abook-dbg
dh_auto_install --destdir=debian/abook