<title>[% g('New %s Packages', organisation) %]</title>
<link>[% root_url %]newpkg</link>
-[%- IF section;
- g('Packages that were added to the %s %s archive (section "%s") during the last 7 days.',
- suite, organisation, section);
+[%- IF section;
+ g('The following packages were added to suite %s (section %s) in the %s archive during the last 7 days.',
+ suite, section, organisation);
- g('Packages that were added to the %s %s archive during the last 7 days.',
- suite, organisation, section);
+ g('The following packages were added to suite %s in the %s archive during the last 7 days.',
+ suite, organisation);
END; -%]
<dc:language>[% lang %]</dc:language>