if ($params->{errors}{suite}) {
fatal_error( _g( "suite not valid or not specified" ) );
+ #FIXME: that's extremely hacky atm
+ if ($params->{values}{suite}{no_replace}[0] eq 'default') {
+ $params->{values}{suite}{no_replace} =
+ $params->{values}{suite}{final} = $opts->{suite} = [ 'stable' ];
+ }
if (@{$opts->{suite}} > 1) {
fatal_error( sprintf( _g( "more than one suite specified for contents search (%s)" ), "@{$opts->{suite}}" ) );
# for output
my $keyword_enc = encode_entities $keyword || '';
my $searchon_enc = encode_entities $searchon;
- my $suites_enc = encode_entities( join( ', ', @{$params->{values}{suite}{no_replace}} ) );
- my $sections_enc = encode_entities( join( ', ', @{$params->{values}{section}{no_replace}} ) );
- my $archs_enc = encode_entities( join( ', ', @{$params->{values}{arch}{no_replace}} ) );
+ my $suites_enc = encode_entities( join( ', ', @{$params->{values}{suite}{no_replace}} ), '&<>"' );
+ my $sections_enc = encode_entities( join( ', ', @{$params->{values}{section}{no_replace}} ), '&<>"' );
+ my $archs_enc = encode_entities( join( ', ', @{$params->{values}{arch}{no_replace}} ), '&<>"' );
my $st0 = new Benchmark;
my (@results);
debug( "Search took ".timestr($std) ) if DEBUG;
- my $suite_wording = $suites_enc eq "all" ? _g("all suites")
- : sprintf(_g("suite(s) <em>%s</em>", $suites_enc) );
+ my $suite_wording = sprintf(_g("suite <em>%s</em>"), $suites_enc );
my $section_wording = $sections_enc eq 'all' ? _g("all sections")
- : sprintf(_g("section(s) <em>%s</em>", $sections_enc) );
+ : sprintf(_g("section(s) <em>%s</em>"), $sections_enc );
my $arch_wording = $archs_enc eq 'any' ? _g("all architectures")
- : sprintf(_g("architecture(s) <em>%s</em>", $archs_enc) );
- my $wording = $opts->{exact} ? _g("exact filenames") : _g("filenames that contain");
- $wording = _g("paths that end with") if $searchon eq "contents";
+ : sprintf(_g("architecture(s) <em>%s</em>"), $archs_enc );
+ my $wording = _g("filenames that contain");
+ if ($searchon eq 'contents') {
+ if ($opts->{exact}) {
+ $wording = _g("files named");
+ } else {
+ $wording = _g("paths that end with");
+ }
+ }
msg( sprintf( _g("You have searched for %s <em>%s</em> in %s, %s, and %s." ),
$wording, $keyword_enc,
$suite_wording, $section_wording, $arch_wording ) );
$$page_content = '';
if (@results) {
- $$page_content .= "<p>".sprintf( _g( 'Found %s results' ),
- scalar @results )."</p>";
- $$page_content .= '<div
- id="pcontentsres"><table><colgroup><col><col></colgroup><tr><th>'._g('File').'</th><th>'._g('Packages')
- .'</th></tr>';
+ my (%results,%archs);
foreach my $result (sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @results) {
my $file = shift @$result;
- $$page_content .= "<tr><td class=\"file\">/$file</td><td>";
my %pkgs;
foreach (@$result) {
my ($pkg, $arch) = split /:/, $_;
+ next unless $opts->{h_archs}{$arch};
+ $archs{$arch}++ unless $arch eq 'all';
+ }
+ next unless keys %pkgs;
+ $results{$file} = \%pkgs;
+ }
+ my @all_archs = keys %archs;
+ debug( "all_archs = @all_archs", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+ $$page_content .= "<p>".sprintf( _g( 'Found %s results' ),
+ scalar @results )."</p>";
+ $$page_content .= '<div
+ id="pcontentsres"><table><colgroup><col><col></colgroup><tr><th>'._g('File').'</th><th>'._g('Packages')
+ .'</th></tr>';
+ foreach my $file (sort keys %results) {
+ $$page_content .= "<tr><td class=\"file\">/$file</td><td>";
+ my @pkgs;
+ foreach my $pkg (sort keys %{$results{$file}}) {
+ my $arch_str = '';
+ my @archs = keys %{$results{$file}{$pkg}};
+ unless ($results{$file}{$pkg}{all} ||
+ (@archs == @all_archs)) {
+ if (@archs < @all_archs/2) {
+ $arch_str = ' ['.join(' ',sort @archs).']';
+ } else {
+ $arch_str = ' ['._g('not').' '.
+ join(' ', grep { !$results{$file}{$pkg}{$_} } @all_archs).']';
+ }
+ }
+ push @pkgs, "<a href=\"$ROOT/$suite/$pkg\">$pkg</a>$arch_str";
- $$page_content .= join( ", ", map { "<a href=\"$ROOT/$suite/$_\">$_</a>" } sort keys %pkgs);
+ $$page_content .= join( ", ", @pkgs);
$$page_content .= '</td>';
$$page_content .= '<tr><th>'._g('File').'</th><th>'._g('Packages').'</th></tr>' if @results > 20;