[%- DEFAULT charset = 'UTF-8' po_lang = 'en' ddtp_lang = 'en' organisation = 'Debian' project_homepage = 'http://www.debian.org/' packages_homepage = 'http://packages.debian.org/' searchformurl = packages_homepage search_url = '/search' tags_url = 'http://debtags.alioth.debian.org/' bugs_url = 'http://bugs.debian.org/' pts_url = 'http://packages.qa.debian.org/' ddpo_url = 'http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=' src_bugs_url = bugs_url _ 'src:' mirror_url = 'http://ftp.debian.org/' security_mirror = 'security.debian.org' security_mirror_url = security_mirror _ '/debian-security' security_suite_suffix = '/updates' changelogs_url = '/changelogs/' policy_url = 'http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/' cn_help_url = project_homepage _ 'intro/cn' patch_tracking_url = 'http://patch-tracking.debian.net/package' logo = { url => project_homepage, src => '/Pics/openlogo-nd-25.png', alt => organisation, } copyright = { url => 'http://www.spi-inc.org/', name => 'SPI Inc.', years => '1997 - ' _ timestamp.year, } license = { url => project_homepage _ 'license' } trademark = { name => copyright.name, url => project_homepage _ 'trademark' } contact = { name => g('Debian Web Mailinglist'), mail => 'debian-www@lists.debian.org', url => project_homepage _ 'contact', } admin = { name => g('%s Webmaster', organisation), mail => 'webmaster@debian.org', } trademarknotes = g('%s is a trademark of %s', organisation, trademark.url, trademark.name) sponsor = { url => 'http://1und1.de/', name => '1&1 Internet AG', } -%] [%- # possible values for importance: high, normal, low # sitewidemsg = { importance => "high", # txt => g('Please note that this is an experimental version of %s. Errors and obsolete information should be expected', 'packages.debian.org', 'packages.debian.org') } # txt => "Site maintainance in progress, some temporary problems might occour." } -%] [%# @translators: . = decimal_point , = thousands_sep, see Number::Format %] [%- USE num = Number.Format( decimal_point => g('.'), thousands_sep => g(','), decimal_fill => 1 ) -%]