[%- PROCESS 'html/head.tmpl' title_tag = "$organisation Packages Search" page_title = "$organisation Packages Search" keywords = "$organisation, Packages" -%] [%- all_suites = [ 'dapper', 'dapper-updates', 'dapper-backports', 'edgy', 'edgy-updates', 'edgy-backports', 'feisty', 'feisty-updates', 'feisty-backports', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-updates', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy' ] version_numbers = { dapper => '6.06LTS', edgy => '6.10', feisty => '7.04', gutsy => '7.10' } current_release = 'gutsy' all_sections = [ 'main', 'multiverse', 'restricted', 'universe' ] all_architectures = [ 'i386', 'amd64', 'powerpc' ] -%]

This site provides you with information about all the packages available in the [% organisation %] Package archive.

Please contact [% admin.name %] if you encounter any problems!

Browse through the lists of packages:

There is also a list of packages recently added to [% all_suites.-1 %].


Search package directories

Search on:   
Only show exact matches:
Distribution: Section:

There are shortcuts for some searches available:

Search the contents of packages

This search engine allows you to search the contents of [% organisation %] distributions for any files (or just parts of file names) that are part of packages. You can also get a full list of files in a given package.




Switched packages.ubuntu.com to the newer codebase that also runs on packages.debian.org. The two most important changes for users are that most pages are now generated dynamically (which makes for faster updates and more flexibility) and that the search functions should be much faster now.

Still waiting for a volunteer that optimizes the used stylesheets, I myself have not much talent in this area...

Add hardy.
Change default release to gutsy.
Drop old releases since they also got dropped from archive.ubuntu.com.
Feisty is released. Pages updated accordingly.
Finally make dapper the default for searches and add edgy. Sorry for the delay.
I hope everyone had a good start into the new year. Some small status updates:
Changed all defaults to point to breezy
I've merged the new changelog to HTML conversion code from the Debian branch. I still have no idea how to handle the requests to link Ubuntu bugs to the Ubuntu BTS and Debian bugs to the Debian BTS. Suggestions welcome.
I have begun to work on integrating the current Ubuntu web design with my pages. There are still some issues to work out but as a teaser I already converted the front page. Feel free to mail me with comments on how I could use the new layout better.
hoary is released and now this fact is also beginning to show on this page. Please report all errors you find with the new breezy pages.
The transition should be completed by now and I've installed some rewrite rules so that old URLs should also point to the new location. The changelog extraction script is still running so there are still some (more) broken links. Please report all other problems you might encounter.
From tomorrow on this site will be available at packages.ubuntu.com. The necessary setup is done on both my side and on the side of the ubuntu people but I will use the occasion for some configuration clean-up and a full rebuild. Stay tuned ;)
I talked briefly with Daniel Silverstone of Canonical at FOSDEM. He said that Ubuntu will get his own Packages page, but It will be a while.
In the last two days there were several reboots of the server needed (kernel upgrades, activation and testing of a new rescue system). Sorry for any inconviences this caused.
There are changelogs and copyright files available now. I also added links to the Ubuntu bugzilla, but I'm not sure yet that they work completly. Feedback welcome. (Changelogs and copyright files may be missing for some packages since I can only mirror the i386 and powerpc debs due to space constraints)
[% PROCESS 'html/foot.tmpl' langs.size = 0 copyright.years = '1997 - 2007' %]