1 [[!meta date="2012-02-23"]]
6 * [[multiarch|http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Implementation]]
7 * [[c: pointer vs arrays|http://glandium.org/blog/?p=2361]]
8 * devscripts: annotate-output
10 * emulate ARM with qemu
11 * maybe some android emulator stuff here?
12 * maybe some qemu binfmt?
14 * bootstrap, cbootstrap, rootstock
15 * fingerprinter + debian, fprint (ich glaube das thema gabs schonmal)
18 * [[policy 3.9.3|http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/upgrading-checklist.txt]] ([[DEP5|http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/]] ist in der policy, aber optional)
23 * trac, gitorious, sf,... What ALM services and tools are there?
24 * kernel space vs. user space?
25 * current state of wheezy?
31 * [[AndreasLeitgeb]] (p=80%)
32 * [[SebastianBachmann]] (p=0.75)
43 * similar to Kde3: [[http://razor-qt.org/|http://razor-qt.org/]]
44 * C++11: [[http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/GoingNative-2012|http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/GoingNative-2012]]
45 * Themes: [[http://wiki.debian.org/DebianArt/Themes|http://wiki.debian.org/DebianArt/Themes]]
46 * Native v6 bei UPC (bald): [[http://derstandard.at/1329703110635/UPC-kuendigt-IPv6-fuer-Privatkunden-an|http://derstandard.at/1329703110635/UPC-kuendigt-IPv6-fuer-Privatkunden-an]]
47 * [[whohas|http://packages.debian.org/whohas]]: welche Distribution hat welche Version eines Pakets?