[%- root_url = "$packages_homepage$suite/"; SET root_url = "$root_url$section/" IF section -%] [% g('New %s Packages', organisation) %] [% root_url %]newpkg [%- IF section; g('Packages that were added to the %s %s archive (section "%s") during the last 7 days.', suite, organisation, section); ELSE; g('Packages that were added to the %s %s archive during the last 7 days.', suite, organisation, section); END; -%] [% lang %] [% g('Copyright ©') %] [% timestamp.year %], [% copyright.name %] [% rss_timestamp %] [% contact.mail %] weekly 2 [% FOREACH pkg IN new_packages %] [%- IF loop.first %] [% END -%] [% IF loop.last -%] [% END -%] [% END -%] [%- FOREACH pkg IN new_packages %] [% pkg.0 %] [% root_url _ pkg.0 %] [% pkg.-1 %] [% pkg.6 %] [% END -%]