[% PROCESS 'config/archive_layout.tmpl' %] [% PROCESS 'config/mirrors.tmpl' %] [%- known_vcs = [ [ 'cvs', 'CVS', 'cvs' ], [ 'svn', 'Subversion', 'subversion' ], [ 'bzr', 'bzr', 'bzr' ], [ 'darcs', 'Darcs', 'darcs' ], [ 'arch', 'arch', 'tla' ], [ 'git', 'Git', 'git-core' ], [ 'hg', 'Hg', 'mercurial' ], ]; vcs_link = page.get_newest("vcs-browser"); -%] [%- suite_name = suite; SET suite_name = suite_name _ ' (' _ suite_aliases.$suite _ ')' IF suite_aliases.$suite; nav_arr = [ { prefix=>g('Distribution:'), title=>g('Overview over this suite'), url=>make_url('/','','source',''), name=>suite_name }, ]; nav_arr.push( { title =>g('Source packages'), url=>make_url('/'), name=>g('Source') } ) IF is_source; nav_arr.push( { prefix=>g('Section:'), title=>g('All packages in this section'), url=>make_url("$subsection/"), name=>subsection } ); nav_arr.push( { prefix=>g('Package:'), name=>pkg } ); -%] [% desclang = 'en'; SET desclang = lang IF desc.$lang.long %] [%- PROCESS 'html/head.tmpl' title_tag = is_source ? g('Details of source package %s in %s', pkg, suite) : g('Details of package %s in %s', pkg, suite) description = desc.$desclang.short keywords = "$suite, $archive, $section, $subsection, $version" print_search_field = 'packages' search_field_values = { searchon => is_source ? 'sourcenames' : 'names', } navigation = nav_arr -%] [% PROCESS 'html/menu.inc' %] [% FOREACH s IN suites %] [% '
' IF loop.first %] [%- IF s == suite -%] [% PROCESS menuitem name=s url='' %] [%- ELSE -%] [% PROCESS menuitem name=s url=make_url(pkg,'','suite',s) %] [%- END -%] [%- '
' IF loop.last -%] [% END %] [% IF src %]
[% PROCESS menuitem prefix=g('Source:') title=g('Source package building this package') url=make_url(src.pkg,'','source','source') name=src.pkg %]
[% END %] [%- PROCESS 'html/messages.tmpl' -%] [% IF is_virtual %]

[% g('Virtual Package: %s', pkg) %] [% ELSIF is_source %]

[% g('Source Package: %s (%s)', pkg, version) %] [% ELSE %]

[% g('Package: %s (%s)', pkg, versions.short) %] [% END %] [%- PROCESS marker text=archive IF archive && archive != main_archive %] [%- PROCESS marker text=section IF section && section != main_section %] [%- PROCESS marker text=g('essential') IF page.get_newest('essential') == 'yes' %]

[% UNLESS is_virtual %]

[% g('Links for %s', pkg) %]

[% g('Debian Resources:') %]

[% IF src %]

[% g('Download Source Package %s:', src.url, src.pkg) %] [% FOREACH src.downloads %] [% '

' IF loop.last %] [% END %] [% IF src.downloads.size == 0 %] [% g('Not found') %] [% END %] [% END %] [% IF maintainers.size == 1 -%]

[% g('Maintainer:') %]

[%- ELSE -%]

[% g('Maintainers:') %]

[%- END %] [%- FOREACH maintainers -%] [%- '' IF loop.last -%] [%- END -%] [% url = page.get_newest('url'); SET url = page.get_newest('homepage') IF page.get_newest('homepage'); IF url %]

[% g('External Resources:') %]

[% END %] [% FOREACH sim IN similar %] [% IF loop.first %]

[% g('Similar packages:') %]

' IF loop.last %] [% END %]
[% END %] [% IF suite == "experimental" || subsection == "debian-installer" %]
[% IF suite == "experimental" %] [% changelog_link = 'changelog'; changelog_link = "$changelogs_url$files.changelog.path" %]

[% g('Experimental package') %]

[% g('Warning: This package is from the experimental distribution. That means it is likely unstable or buggy, and it may even cause data loss. Please be sure to consult the changelog and other possible documentation before using it.', changelog_link) %]

[% END %] [% IF subsection == "debian-installer" %]

[% g('debian-installer udeb package') %]

[% g('Warning: This package is intended for the use in building debian-installer images only. Do not install it on a normal %s system.', organisation ) %]

[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF desc %]
[% UNLESS is_virtual %] [% IF desc.$desclang.short %]

[% desc.$desclang.short %]

[% desc.$desclang.long %] [% END %] [% ELSE %]

[% g('This is a virtual package. See the Debian policy for a definition of virtual packages.', policy_url, policy_url) %]

[% END %]
[% FOREACH tag IN tags %] [% IF loop.first -%]

[% g('Tags') %]: [%- END %] [% facet = tag.0; lfacet = "$facet-$lang"; facet_name = debtags_voc.$lfacet; SET facet_name = debtags_voc.$facet UNLESS facet_name; tag_id = "$tag.0::$tag.1"; ltag = "$tag_id-$lang"; tag_name = debtags_voc.$ltag; SET tag_name = debtags_voc.$tag_id UNLESS tag_name; %] [% facet_name _ ': ' UNLESS old_facet && facet == old_facet %] [% IF tag_name %] [% tag_name | html %][% ', ' UNLESS loop.last %] [% ELSE %] [% tag_id %][% ', ' UNLESS loop.last %] [% END %] [% old_facet = facet %] [% IF loop.last -%]

[%- END %] [% END %] [% FOREACH p IN providers %] [% IF loop.first %]

[% g('Packages providing %s', pkg) %]

[% END %]
[% IF p.available %][% p.name %][% ELSE; p.name; END %]
[% IF p.trans_desc.$lang; p.trans_desc.$lang | html; ELSE; p.desc | html; END %]
[% '
' IF loop.last %] [% END %]
[% END %] [% FOREACH b IN binaries %] [% IF loop.first %]
[% g('The following binary packages are built from this source package:') %]
[% END %]
[% IF b.available %][% b.name %][% ELSE; b.name; END %]
[% IF b.trans_desc.$lang; b.trans_desc.$lang | html; ELSE; b.desc | html; END %]
[% '
' IF loop.last %] [% END %] [% FOREACH relations %] [% IF loop.first -%]

[% g('Other Packages Related to %s', pkg) %]

[% IF is_source %] [% ELSE %] [% END %]
  • [% g('build-depends') %]
  • [% g('build-depends-indep') %]
  • [% g('depends') %]
  • [% g('recommends') %]
  • [% g('suggests') %]
[%- END %] [% IF loop.last -%]
[%- END %] [% END %] [% FOREACH d IN downloads %] [% IF loop.first -%]

[% g('Download %s', pkg) %]

[% '' IF versions.multiple %] [%- END %] [% download_url = pkg _ '/download' filelist_url = pkg _ '/filelist' %] [% vnorm = d.version.replace( '\+b\d+$', '' ); vlatest = version.replace( '\+b\d+$', '' ); vup = vnorm.replace( '-[^-]+$', '' ); vuplatest = vlatest.replace( '-[^-]+$', '' ); IF vnorm == vlatest; version_class = 'vcurrent'; ELSIF vup == vuplatest; version_class = 'volder'; ELSE; version_class = 'vold'; END %] [% "" IF versions.multiple %] [% IF loop.last -%]
[% g('Download for all available architectures') %]
[% g('Architecture') %]'_ g('Version') _'[% g('Package Size') %] [% g('Installed Size') %] [% g('Files') %]
[% d.arch %] [%- SET a = d.archive; IF mirrors.$a.unofficial_port %] [% g('(unofficial port)') %][% END %]$d.version[% g('%.1f kB', d.pkgsize) %][% g('%u kB', d.instsize) %] [% IF d.contents_avail %] [[% g('list of files') %]] [% ELSE %] [% g('no current information') %] [% END %]
[%- END %] [% END %] [% FOREACH srcfiles %] [% IF loop.first -%]

Download [% pkg %]

[%- END %] [% IF loop.last -%]
[% g('File') %][% g('Size (in kB)') %][% g('MD5 checksum') %]
[% filename %] [% g('%.1f kB', size) %] [% md5sum %]
[% FOREACH vcs IN known_vcs; vcs_id = vcs.0; vcs_name = vcs.1; vcs_pkg = vcs.2; vcs_info = page.get_newest("vcs-$vcs_id"); SET vcs_info = page.get_newest("x-vcs-$vcs_id") UNLESS vcs_info; IF vcs_info; %]
[% g('Debian Package Source Repository (VCS: %s)', make_url(vcs_pkg,'','source',''), vcs_name ) %]
[% vcs_info %]
[% IF vcs_link %]
[% g('Debian Package Source Repository (Browsable)') %]
[% vcs_link %]
[% END %]
[% END; END %]
[%- END %] [% END %] [%# %] [%- PROCESS 'html/foot.tmpl' -%]