# Configuration for %SITE% # topdir=%TOPDIR% tmpdir=${topdir}/tmp bindir=${topdir}/bin scriptdir=${topdir}/htmlscripts libdir=${topdir}/lib filesdir=${topdir}/files htmldir=${topdir}/www archivedir=${topdir}/archive podir=${topdir}/po staticdir=${topdir}/static configdir=${topdir}/conf templatedir=${topdir}/templates cachedir=${topdir}/cache # unset this if %SITE% moves somewhere where the packages files # cannot be obtained locally # localdir=/srv/archive.debian.org/ftp # path to private ftp directory #ftproot=/org/ftp.root ftpsite=http://archive.debian.org/debian-archive ddtp_ftpsite=http://ddtp.debian.net/debian wget_cmd="wget --no-verbose --tries=2 --timeout=60" check_release_cmd="perl -I${libdir} ${bindir}/check-release --verbose --ignoremissing --keyring ${configdir}/trusted.gpg" # URLs that need to be known in the code (as opposed to the templates) root="" search_url="/search" # Architectures # polangs="de fi fr hu ja nl ru sv uk zh-cn" ddtplangs="ca cs da de eo es fi fr hu it ja km-kh ko nl pl pt pt-br ru sk sv uk zh-cn zh-tw" archives="us" sections="main contrib non-free" parts="$sections" suites="bo hamm slink potato woody" priorities="required important standard optional extra" dists="$suites" architectures="alpha arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390 sparc" arch_bo="i386" arch_hamm="i386 m68k" arch_slink="alpha i386 m68k sparc" arch_potato="alpha arm i386 ia64 m68k powerpc sparc" arch_woody="alpha arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390 sparc" # Miscellaneous # admin_email="djpig@debian.org"