+t-prot (1.99.1+2.0-rc2-0.sarge.1) testing; urgency=high
+ * Upload to testing: The versions since 1.99 were just bugfix releases
+ (including some rather important ones, too) and were since quite some time
+ sitting in unstable without any bad report. The only difference to the
+ unstable version is gnupg locale patch (three strings) needed because of
+ frozen gnupg with different versions in unstable and testing.
+ -- Gerfried Fuchs <alfie@debian.org> Wed, 04 May 2005 16:02:45 +0200
t-prot (1.99.1+2.0-rc2-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release: Bugfixes for inn and multipart handling.
$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) t-prot $(TMP)/usr/bin
cd $(TMP)/usr/bin/ && patch t-prot \
+ cd $(TMP)/usr/bin/ && patch t-prot \
+ $(TMP)/../../contrib/t-prot-r*-gpg126.diff
-rm -f $(TMP)/usr/bin/t-prot.orig
$(INSTALL_FILE) t-prot.1 $(TMP)/usr/share/man/man1
$(INSTALL_FILE) debian/Muttrc.t-prot $(TMP)/etc