* MOST IMPORTANTLY: This update adds a new tag into rss feeds:
<guid isPermanentLink="true"> which helps to notice duplicates and not let
- them appear again on planets. Though, for the time of switching it might
- mean that your last entries might appear as new when planet doesn't check
- <link> (which already should be cached) when finding <guid>. This is
- unfortunate but not really avoidable. To limit impact a new plugin was
- added: 00RssLimit which turns the syndicated feed in only pick up the last
- 5 entries.
+ them appear again for aggregators. Though, for the time of switching it
+ might mean that your last entries might appear as new when aggregators
+ (like e.g. PlanetPlanet on planet.debian.org) don't check <link> (which
+ already should be cached) when finding <guid>. This is unfortunate but not
+ really avoidable. To limit impact a new plugin was added: 00RssLimit which
+ turns the syndicated feed in only pick up the last 5 entries.
* The plugin timezone got disabled and gets only installed into a new
/etc/blosxom/plugins-available directory which is the first step to the
blosxom (2.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Gerfried Fuchs ]
* New upstream release which fixes a regression from the previous blosxom
2.0 version we have currently in stable (closes: #492987)
* Add Vcs-* informations to source control file.
* Update debian/README.Debian with more current informations, especially
related to referencing the proper URLs (closes: #492985)
- -- Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda@debian.at> Wed, 06 Aug 2008 19:31:11 -0300
+ [ Axel Beckert ]
+ * Clearified debian/NEWS.Debian with respect to rss aggregators.
+ -- Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda@debian.at> Wed, 06 Aug 2008 20:13:25 -0300
blosxom (2.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low