suite => params.values.suite.no_replace.join(','),
architectures => params.values.arch.no_replace.join(','),
sections => params.values.section.no_replace.join(','),
- };
+ }
navigation = [ { name => 'Package Search Results' } ]
[% FOREACH origins %]
[% origin = (archive == main_archive) ? suite : "$suite/$archive";
js_id = string2id("$pkg$suite$archive") %]
- <li><a class="resultlink" href="[% make_url(pkg,'','source','source','suite',origin) %]">[% origin %]</a> ([% subsection %]): [% version %]
+ <li><a class="resultlink" href="[% make_url(pkg,'','source','source','suite',origin,'section','','arch','') %]">[% origin %]</a> ([% subsection %]): [% version %]
[%- IF section %] [<strong class="pmarker">[% section %]</strong>][% END %]
[%- IF real_archive %] [<strong class="pmarker">[% real_archive %]</strong>][% END %]
<br>Binary packages: <span id="js_[% js_id %]" class="p_js_elem"></span> <span id="html_[% js_id %]" class="binaries">[% FOREACH binary IN binaries %]<a href="[% make_url(binary,'','source','','suite',suite,'archive',archive) %]">[% binary %]</a>[% ', ' UNLESS loop.last %][% END %]</span>
[% END %]
[% IF skipped %]
- <p><a href="[% make_search_url('',"keywords=$keywords",'exact', 0) %]">[% skipped %]</a> results have not been displayed because you requested only exact matches.
+ <p><a href="[% make_search_url('',"keywords=$keyword_esc",'exact', 0) %]">[% skipped %]</a> results have not been displayed because you requested only exact matches.
[% END %]