if @keywords;
my $kw = reverse $first_kw;
# exact filename searching follows trivially:
$kw = "$kw/" if $mode eq 'exactfilename';
$reverses = undef;
untie %reverses;
my $st1 = new Benchmark;
my $std = timediff($st1, $st0);
debug( "Search took ".timestr($std) ) if DEBUG;
- }
+ }
my (%results,%archs);
foreach my $result (sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @results) {
next unless keys %pkgs;
$results{$file} = \%pkgs;
- my @all_archs = keys %archs;
- @all_archs = @ARCHITECTURES unless @all_archs;
+ my @all_archs = sort keys %archs;
+ @all_archs = sort @ARCHITECTURES unless @all_archs;
$page_content->{suite} = $suite;
$page_content->{archive} = $archive;
$page_content->{all_architectures} = \@all_archs;
debug( "searchfile: kw=$kw", 1 ) if DEBUG;
for (my $status = $reverses->seq($key, $value, R_CURSOR);
$status == 0;
- $status = $reverses->seq( $key, $value, R_NEXT)) {
+ $status = $reverses->seq( $key, $value, R_NEXT)) {
# FIXME: what's the most efficient "is prefix of" thingy? We only want to know
# whether $kw is or is not a prefix of $key