# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
use strict;
+use warnings;
use lib './lib';
$| = 1;
$packages_contents_lastword{$_} = "$file\0";
# Searches are case-insensitive
- $file =~ tr [A-Z] [a-z];
- print REVERSED (reverse $file)."\0".(join ":$arch\0", @packages).":$arch\n";
+ (my $nocase = $file) =~ tr [A-Z] [a-z];
+ my $case = ($nocase eq $file) ? '-' : $file;
+ print REVERSED (reverse $nocase)."\0".$case."\0".
+ (join ":$arch\0", @packages).":$arch\n";
close CONT;
rename("$DBDIR/reverse.tmp", "$DBDIR/reverse_${suite}_${arch}.txt");
rename("$filelist_db.new", $filelist_db);
- system("ln -sf $filelist_db $DBDIR/filelists_${suite}_all.db") == 0
+ system("ln", "-sf", $filelist_db, "$DBDIR/filelists_${suite}_all.db") == 0
or die "Oops";
print "Merging reverse path lists for ${suite}...\n";
- open MERGED, "sort -m $DBDIR/reverse_${suite}_*.txt |"
+ open MERGED, "-|", "sort -m $DBDIR/reverse_${suite}_*.txt"
or die "Failed to open merged list";
- open FILENAMES, "> $DBDIR/filenames_$suite.txt.new"
+ open FILENAMES, ">", "$DBDIR/filenames_$suite.txt.new"
or die "Failed to open filenames list";
tie my %reverse_path_db, "DB_File", "$DBDIR/reverse_${suite}.db.new",
or die "Error creating DB: $!";
- my $lastpath = "";
- my $lastfile = "";
- my @matches = ();
+ my $lastpath = my $lastcasepath = my $lastfile = "";
+ my %matches = ();
while (<MERGED>) {
print "Doing line ".($./1000000)."M (out of approx. 16M)\n"
if $. % 1000000 == 0;
my @line = split /\0/o, $_;
my $revpath = shift @line;
+ my $casepath = shift @line;
if ($revpath ne $lastpath) {
# Wrap: Do useful stuff with this ($lastpath, @matches)
- $reverse_path_db{$lastpath} = join "\0", @matches if $lastpath ne "";
+ if ($lastpath ne "") {
+ my @matches;
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each %matches) {
+ push @matches, join("\0", $k, @$v);
+ }
+ $reverse_path_db{$lastpath} = join "\1", @matches;
+ %matches = ();
+ }
$lastpath =~ s,/.*,,o;
if ($lastfile ne $lastpath) {
$lastfile = $lastpath;
$lastpath = $revpath;
- @matches = @line;
+ $lastcasepath = $casepath;
+ $matches{$casepath} = \@line;
+# } elsif ($lastcasepath ne "" and $casepath ne $lastcasepath) {
+# warn reverse($revpath)." has more than one casepath: $casepath $lastcasepath\n";
- push @matches, @line
- }
+ push @{$matches{$casepath}}, @line;
+ }
# Note: do useful stuff here too, for out last entry. Maybe prevent this by
# adding a fake ultimate entry?
- $reverse_path_db{$lastpath} = join "\0", @matches;
+ {
+ my @matches;
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each %matches) {
+ push @matches, join("\0", $k, @$v);
+ }
+ $reverse_path_db{$lastpath} = join "\1", @matches;
+ }
untie %reverse_path_db;
close MERGED;
last unless index($key, $kw) == 0;
debug( "found $key", 2 ) if DEBUG;
- my @hits = split /\0/o, $value;
- push @$results, [ scalar reverse($key), @hits ];
+ my @files = split /\001/o, $value;
+ foreach my $f (@files) {
+ my @hits = split /\0/o, $f;
+ my $file = shift @hits;
+ if ($file eq '-') {
+ $file = reverse($key);
+ }
+ push @$results, [ $file, @hits ];
+ }
last if ($$nres)++ > 100;