--- /dev/null
+Most package data is available via sleepycat databases. Those have been
+specifically crafted for efficient lookup, and reasonable times to generate
+them, so that both the daily cronjobs and the actual pagerequests take only a
+moderate amount of CPU and I/O
+The only pages that are really generated staticly are the pages listing all
+packages in a given section.
+This is a brief overview of the available databases:
+Generated by means of Packages.gz files:
+| packages_small.db:
+| key: packagename
+| value: \0 separated tuples of "archive suite arch component section priority version shortdescription"
+| (so you can split on spaces in 8 pieces, but need to not split further
+| because shortdescription can have spaces)
+| arch can also be 'virtual', with c/s/p/v being undefined then, and
+| shortdescription being a space-separated list of packages providing
+| the package that is the key
+ Notes: - maybe add did right before shortdescription?
+ - TODO: make sure for each (archive,suite), newest package is shown
+ first, and all newest versions for each such section is first, so
+ that one can efficiently lookup just the newest entry for a given
+ (archive,suite)
+| package_postfixes.db:
+| key: a postfix string of a package name
+| value: \0-separated list of prefixes that can preseed this postfix with '^'
+| instead of the empty string in case a postfix happens to (also?) be
+| a full package name
+ Note: value can also be \01<decimal number>, meaning there were <decimal
+ number> different packages with that postfix (always more than 100)
+| packages_descriptions.db:
+| key: "packagename version arch"
+| value: a unique description id, did
+| descriptions.txt:
+| on each line:
+| description with strange characters mangled for proper substring
+| searching, linenumber being the did
+| descriptions.db:
+| key: did
+| value: description, first line being short, the rest being long [no
+| newline transformation]
+| descriptions_packages.db:
+| key: did
+| value: one or more occurances of: "packagename version arch", separated by \0
+| packages_all_$suite.db:
+| key: "packagename arch version"
+| value: \0-separated pairs of key\0value items, with key being always
+| lowercase and having most normal Packages.gz entries, except:
+| - source: always available, contains straight source package name
+| - description: has did (description id) only
+| - archive: notes source archive
+| sources_packages.db:
+| key: sourcepackagename
+| value: \0 separated tuples of "archive suite package version arch"
+ Note: this also comes from the Packages.gz files, and not from Sources.gz
+ files, for accuracy.
+Generated by means of Sources.gz files:
+| sources_small.db:
+| key: sourcename
+| value: \0 separated tuples of "archive suite component section priority version"
+| source_postfixes.db:
+| key: a postfix string of a source name
+| value: \0-separated list of prefixes that can preseed this postfix with '^'
+| instead of the empty string in case a postfix happens to (also?) be
+| a full package name
+ Note: value can also be \01<decimal number>, meaning there were <decimal
+ number> different packages with that postfix (always more than 100)
+| sources_all_$suite.db:
+| key: "archive suite sourcename"
+| value: \0-separated pairs of key\0value items, with key being always
+| lowercase and having most normal Sources.gz entries, except:
+| - files: \01 separated list of "md5 size filename"
+ Note: different key from packages_all, is that needed?