* [axi-search](http://www.enricozini.org/sw/apt-xapian-index/)
* geht jemand Fosdem2014? (call for paper ist noch offen)
* LinuxWochende leider abgesagt
-* http://nixos.org/
-* https://wiki.debian.org/PackageConfigUpgrade
+* [nixos](http://nixos.org/)
+* [package config upgrade](https://wiki.debian.org/PackageConfigUpgrade)
+* [Laptop Kauf ubook](http://www.ubook.at)
+* Wheezy backports Gibt es rss feeds für neue backports?
* ...
### Tipps
* man ascii
* [dvdcss](http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvdcss.html)
+* [FOSDEM 2014 will be on 1 & 2 February](https://fosdem.org/2014/news/2013-06-04-dates-fosdem-2014/)
+* use piuparts
+* adequate in backports
* ...
+### Zitat der Woche
+> Actually Debian is not a technical project. ... Debian is a social
+> project. It is about freedom and it is about how we control the machines
+> and not have the machines controlling us.
+ -- Unknown @DebConf2013 Debian Women
### Wer kommt?