search for package name:
required parameters:
keywords [PKG_NAME]
optional parameters:
exact [BOOL] default=1
TODO: Allow more than one keyword
+-> hm? Example?
+J: If exact is not specified, lookup exact and if that fails show
+substring matches -- search is cheap? Maybe totally drop exact parameter, and
+do this always? Less options == easier interface (or so gnome devs say)
+ Only in case of $ROOT/<pkg>, exact should be forced and
+ substring/description searches only offered (not performed by default)
full text search in package names and descriptions:
+searchon=all (fixme)
required parameters:
keywords [STRING]
optional parameters:
exact [BOOL] default=1
TODO: Allow more than one keyword
+ J: should already work? Only gives hits where keywords are subsequent
+ though...
display one package:
section [SECTION_NAME(s) | 'all' ] default='all'
arch [ARCH_NAME(s) | 'any' ] default='any'
+J: Do we really want random path-element order here? Why not force order like
+in URLS?
download one package:
TODO: support section?
+J: same comments as with one-package-page
show file list for one package:
TODO: support section?
+J: Same comments as with one-package-page
search for file:
required parameters:
keyword [PATH_NAME]
?suite [SUITE_NAME]
TODO: support section?
suite/arch were required in the old version, still are?
which modes do we want? The old ones were "files", "dirs+files", "full"
+J: suite is still required, arch is not (it's not even supported atm, but
+trivially would be). An easy crosslink a la [stable][testing][unstable] would
+be adviseable
+mode is implemented via exact and fullfilename parameters currently (both
+cannot be set at the same time), mode would be better indeed. Possibilities
+are currently "ends-with", "exact filename" and "filename substring". I don't
+think more would be useful, with 'bin/foo' for example you can then find
+/usr/bin/foo and /bin/foo and /sbin/foo, but simply not /bin/foobar