volatile => {
+ title => g('volatile packages that need major changes during the life of a stable release'),
mirror_list => 'http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-volatile/volatile-mirrors',
europa => [
backports => {
+ title => g('newer packages that have been adapted to stable releases of Debian'),
mirror_list => 'http://www.backports.org/debian/README.mirrors.html',
europa => [
debports => {
+ title => g('ports of packages to architectures not yet available in Debian'),
mirror_list => 'http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPorts/Mirrors',
unofficial_port => {
'kfreebsd-amd64' => {
africa => g('Africa'),
+section_titles = {
+ 'main' => g('packages that meet the Debian Free Software Guidelines'),
+ 'contrib' => g('packages that meet the Debian Free Software Guidelines but need software not in Debian main'),
+ 'non-free' => g('packages that do not meet the Debian Free Software Guidelines'),
+ }
<h3>[% g('Package %s', pkg) %]</h3>
[% FOREACH s IN suites;
- suite = s.suite %]
+ suite = s.suite ; section = s.section %]
<li class="[% suite %]"><a class="resultlink" href="[% make_url(pkg,'','suite',suite,'arch','','section','') %]">[% suite %]
[%- ' (' _ suite_aliases.$suite _ ')' IF suite_aliases.$suite %]</a>[% ' (' _ s.subsection _ ')' IF s.subsection %]:
[% PROCESS desc_i18n trans_desc=s.trans_desc desc=s.desc %]
- [%- PROCESS marker text=s.section IF s.section && s.section != main_section %]
+ [%- PROCESS marker text=section title=section_titles.$section IF section && section != main_section %]
[% FOREACH s.versions %]
- <br>[% version %] [%- IF archive != main_archive %] [<strong class="pmarker">[% archive %]</strong>][% END %]: [% architectures.join(' ') %]
+ <br>[% version %] [%- IF archive != main_archive %] [<strong class="pmarker" title="[% mirrors.$archive.title %]">[% archive %]</strong>][% END %]: [% architectures.join(' ') %]
[% END %]
[% IF s.providers %]
<br>[% IF s.versions.size > 0; g('also provided by:'); ELSE; g('provided by:'); END %]
[% origin = (archive == main_archive) ? suite : "$suite/$archive";
js_id = string2id("$pkg$suite$archive") %]
<li><a class="resultlink" href="[% make_url(pkg,'','source','source','suite',origin,'section','','arch','') %]">[% origin %]</a> ([% subsection %]): [% version %]
- [%- PROCESS marker text=section IF section %] [%- PROCESS marker text=real_archive IF real_archive %]
+ [%- PROCESS marker text=section title=section_titles.$section IF section %] [%- PROCESS marker text=real_archive title=mirrors.$real_archive.title IF real_archive %]
<br>[% g('Binary packages:') %] <span id="js_[% js_id %]" class="p_js_elem"></span> <span id="html_[% js_id %]" class="binaries">[% FOREACH binary IN binaries.sort %]<a href="[% make_url(binary,'','source','','suite',suite,'archive',archive,'arch','','archive','') %]">[% binary %]</a>[% ', ' UNLESS loop.last %][% END %]</span>
[% IF binaries.size > 10 %]
<script type="text/javascript">init_toggle_elem("[% js_id %]","[% g('show %u binary packages', binaries.size) %]","[% g('hide %u binary packages', binaries.size) %]")</script>
[% ELSE %]
<h1>[% g('Package: %s (%s)', pkg, versions.short) %]
[% END %]
-[%- PROCESS marker text=archive IF archive && archive != main_archive %]
-[%- PROCESS marker text=section IF section && section != main_section %]
-[%- PROCESS marker text=g('essential') IF page.get_newest('essential') == 'yes' %]</h1>
+[%- PROCESS marker text=archive title=mirrors.$archive.title IF archive && archive != main_archive %]
+[%- PROCESS marker text=section title=section_titles.$section IF section && section != main_section %]
+[%- PROCESS marker text=g('essential') title=g('package manager will refuse to remove this package by default') IF page.get_newest('essential') == 'yes' %]</h1>
[% UNLESS is_virtual %]
<div id="pmoreinfo">