use Packages::DoSearchContents;
use Packages::DoShow;
use Packages::DoIndex;
+use Packages::DoNewPkg;
use Packages::DoDownload;
use Packages::DoFilelist;
my $acc = I18N::AcceptLanguage->new();
my $http_lang = $acc->accepts( $input->http("Accept-Language"),
+ \@LANGUAGES ) || 'en';
debug( "LANGUAGES=@LANGUAGES header=".
" http_lang=$http_lang", 2 ) if DEBUG;
} else {
for ($components[-1]) {
- /^(index|changelog|copyright|download|filelist)$/ && do {
+ /^(index|allpackages|newpkg|changelog|copyright|download|filelist)$/ && do {
pop @components;
$what_to_do = $1;
arch => { default => 'any', match => '^([\w-]+)$',
array => ',', var => \@archs, replace =>
{ any => \@ARCHITECTURES } },
+ format => { default => 'html', match => '^(\w+)$', },
+ mode => { default => undef, match => '^(\w+)$', },
my %opts;
my %params = Packages::Search::parse_params( $input, \%params_def, \%opts );
--- /dev/null
+package Packages::DoNewPkg;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Benchmark ':hireswallclock';
+use HTML::Entities;
+use POSIX;
+use XML::RSS;
+use CGI ();
+use Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw( Exporter );
+our @EXPORT = qw( do_newpkg );
+use Packages::I18N::Locale;
+use Packages::Search qw( :all );
+use Packages::CGI;
+use Packages::DB;
+use Packages::Config qw( $TOPDIR @SECTIONS $HOSTNAME $ROOT );
+sub do_newpkg {
+ my ($params, $opts, $html_header, $menu, $page_content) = @_;
+ if ($params->{errors}{suite}) {
+ fatal_error( _g( "suite not valid or not specified" ) );
+ }
+ if (@{$opts->{suite}} > 1) {
+ fatal_error( sprintf( _g( "more than one suite specified for show (%s)" ), "@{$opts->{suite}}" ) );
+ }
+ my $sort_func = sub { $_[0][0] cmp $_[1][0] };
+ $sort_func = sub { $_[0][1] <=> $_[1][1] or $_[0][0] cmp $_[1][0] }
+ if $opts->{mode} eq 'byage';
+ my $suite = $opts->{suite}[0];
+ my $one_archive = @{$opts->{archive}} == 1 ?
+ $opts->{archive}[0] : undef;
+ my $one_section = @{$opts->{section}} == 1 ?
+ $opts->{section}[0] : undef;
+ my @full_path = ($HOSTNAME, $ROOT, $suite);
+ push @full_path, $one_archive if $one_archive;
+ my $full_path = join( '/', @full_path );
+ my @new_pkgs;
+ #FIXME: move to Packages::DB?
+ open NEWPKG, '<', "$TOPDIR/files/packages/newpkg_info"
+ or die "can't read newpkg_info file: $!";
+ while (<NEWPKG>) {
+ chomp;
+ my @data = split /\s/, $_, 10;
+ next unless $data[3] eq $suite;
+ next if $one_archive and $data[2] ne $one_archive;
+ next if $one_section and $data[5] ne $one_section;
+ debug( "new pkg: @data", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+ push @new_pkgs, \@data;
+ }
+ close NEWPKG;
+ (my @date)= gmtime();
+ my $now_time = strftime ("%B %d, %Y", @date);
+ my $rss_time = strftime ("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M+00:00", @date);
+ unless ($opts->{format} eq 'rss') {
+ my $title = sprintf( _g( "New Packages in \"%s\"" ),
+ $suite );
+ %$html_header = ( title => $title,
+ title_keywords => "debian, "._g('new packages').", $suite, @{$opts->{section}}",
+ meta => "<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"RSS\" href=\"newpkg?format=rss\">",
+ lang => $opts->{lang},
+ print_title => 1 );
+ $$page_content .= "<p>"
+ . sprintf(_g( "The following packages were added to suite <em>%s</em>%s in the Debian archive during the last 7 days."), $suite,
+ $one_section ? sprintf(_g(" (section %s)"),$one_section):'')."</p>"
+ . "<p>".sprintf( _g( "This information is also available as an <a href=\"%s\">RSS feed</a>." ), "newpkg?format=rss" )
+ ." <a href=\"newpkg?format=rss\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"[RSS 1.0 Feed]\"></a></p>";
+ if (@new_pkgs) {
+ $$page_content .= "\n<ul>\n";
+ foreach my $pkg (sort { &$sort_func($a,$b) } @new_pkgs) {
+ $$page_content .= sprintf ("<li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\n -- %s%s",
+ $pkg->[0], $pkg->[0],
+ encode_entities($pkg->[-1], '"&<>'),
+ $pkg->[1] ?
+ sprintf(_g(" <em>(%s days old)</em>"),$pkg->[1]):
+ '');
+ }
+ $$page_content .= "\n</ul>\n" if @new_pkgs;
+ }
+ my $slist = '';
+ if ($one_section) {
+ foreach my $s (@SECTIONS) {
+ $slist .= ", " if $slist;
+ $slist .= $one_section eq $s ? $s :
+ "<a href=\"../$s/newpkg\">$s</a>";
+ }
+ }
+ $$page_content .= '<p class="psmallcenter"><a href="$ROOT/$suite/allpackages" title="'.
+ _g( "List of all packages" ) ."\">".
+ _g( "All packages" ) ."</a><br>(<a href=\"$ROOT/$suite/allpackages?format=txt\">".
+ _g( "compact compressed textlist" )."</a>)<br>".
+ ($slist ? sprintf(_g( "New packages in %s" ), $slist ):'').
+ "</p>\n";
+ } else { # unless ($opts->{format} eq 'rss')
+ my ( $rss_link, $rss_description, $rss_date );
+ $rss_description = sprintf(_g( "The following packages were added to suite %s%s in the Debian archive during the last 7 days."), $suite,
+ $one_section ? sprintf(_g(" (section %s)"),$one_section):'');
+ my $rss = new XML::RSS (version => '1.0');
+ $rss_link = "$full_path".($one_section?"$one_section/":'')."/newpkg?format=rss";
+ $rss->channel(
+ title => _g("New Debian Packages"),
+ link => $rss_link,
+ description => $rss_description,
+ dc => {
+ date => $rss_time,
+ publisher => '',
+ rights => 'Copyright '.($date[5]+1900).', SPI Inc.',
+ language => $opts->{lang},
+ },
+ syn => {
+ updatePeriod => "daily",
+ updateFrequency => "2",
+# updateBase => "1901-01-01T00:00+00:00",
+ } );
+ foreach my $pkg (sort { &$sort_func($a,$b) } @new_pkgs) {
+ $rss->add_item(
+ title => $pkg->[0],
+ link => "$full_path/$pkg->[0]",
+ description => $pkg->[-1],
+ dc => {
+ subject => $pkg->[6],
+ } );
+ }
+ print &CGI::header( -type => 'application/rss+xml' );
+ print $rss->as_string;
+ exit;
+ }