#!/usr/bin/perl -T
-# $Id: search_packages.pl 91 2006-02-10 22:18:31Z jeroen $
-# dispatcher.pl -- CGI interface for packages.debian.org
-# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Frank Lichtenheld
-# use is allowed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
-# see http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html for a copy of the license
+# Simple Wrapper for Packages::Dispatcher;
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib '../lib';
-use CGI;
-use POSIX;
-use File::Basename;
-use URI::Escape;
-use HTML::Entities;
-use Template;
-use DB_File;
-use Benchmark ':hireswallclock';
-use I18N::AcceptLanguage;
-use Locale::gettext;
-use Deb::Versions;
-use Packages::Config qw( $DBDIR $ROOT $TEMPLATEDIR $CACHEDIR
-use Packages::CGI qw( :DEFAULT error get_all_messages );
-use Packages::DB;
-use Packages::Search qw( :all );
-use Packages::Template ();
-use Packages::Sections;
-use Packages::I18N::Locale;
-use Packages::DoSearch;
-use Packages::DoSearchContents;
-use Packages::DoShow;
-use Packages::DoIndex;
-use Packages::DoNewPkg;
-use Packages::DoDownload;
-use Packages::DoFilelist;
-$Packages::Search::too_many_hits = 0;
-# clean up env
-$ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin";
-delete $ENV{'LANGUAGE'};
-delete $ENV{'LANG'};
-delete $ENV{'LC_ALL'};
-delete $ENV{'LC_MESSAGES'};
-# Read in all the variables set by the form
-my $input;
-if ($ARGV[0] && ($ARGV[0] eq 'php')) {
- $input = new CGI(\*STDIN);
-} else {
- $input = new CGI;
-my $cgi_error = $input->cgi_error;
-if ($cgi_error) {
- fatal_error( "Error parsing the request", $cgi_error );
-my $pet0 = new Benchmark;
-my $tet0 = new Benchmark;
-my $debug = DEBUG && $input->param("debug");
-$debug = 0 if !defined($debug) || $debug !~ /^\d+$/o;
-$Packages::CGI::debug = $debug;
-my $homedir = dirname($ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME}).'/../';
-&Packages::Config::init( $homedir );
-my $acc = I18N::AcceptLanguage->new();
-my %all_langs = map { $_ => 1 } (@LANGUAGES, @DDTP_LANGUAGES);
-my @all_langs = sort keys %all_langs;
-my $http_lang = $acc->accepts( $input->http("Accept-Language"),
- \@all_langs ) || 'en';
-debug( "LANGUAGES=@all_langs header=".
- ($input->http("Accept-Language")||'').
- " http_lang=$http_lang", 2 ) if DEBUG;
-bindtextdomain ( 'pdo', $LOCALES );
-textdomain( 'pdo' );
-# backwards compatibility stuff
-if ($ENV{SCRIPT_URL} =~ m|^/cgi-bin/search_|) {
- error( "You reached this site over an old URL. ".
- "Depending on the exact parameters your search might work or not." );
- # contents search changed a lot
- if ($ENV{SCRIPT_URL} =~ m|^/cgi-bin/search_contents|) {
- $input->param('keywords',$input->param('word')) if $input->param('word');
- $input->param('searchon','contents');
- for ($input->param('searchmode')) {
- /^searchfiles/ && do {
- $input->param('mode','filename');
- last;
- };
- /^filelist/ && do {
- $ENV{PATH_INFO} = '/'.join('/',($input->param('version')||'stable',
- $input->param('keywords'),
- $input->param('arch')||'i386',
- 'filelist' ));
- $input->delete('searchon','version','keywords','arch');
- last;
- };
- }
- }
-if ($ENV{is_reportbug}) {
- $input->param('exact', 1);
- debug( "reportbug detected, set paramater exact to '1'" ) if DEBUG;
-my $what_to_do = 'show';
-my $source = 0;
-if (my $path = $input->path_info() || $input->param('PATH_INFO')) {
- my @components = grep { $_ } map { lc $_ } split /\/+/, $path;
- debug( "PATH_INFO=$path components=@components", 3) if DEBUG;
- push @components, 'index' if @components && $path =~ m,/$,;
- my %LANGUAGES = map { $_ => 1 } @all_langs;
- if (@components > 0 and $LANGUAGES{$components[0]}
- and !$input->param('lang')) {
- $input->param( 'lang', shift(@components) );
- }
- if (@components > 0 and $components[0] eq 'source') {
- shift @components;
- $input->param( 'source', 1 );
- }
- if (@components > 0 and $components[0] eq 'search') {
- shift @components;
- $what_to_do = 'search';
- # Done
- fatal_error( _g( "search doesn't take any more path elements" ) )
- if @components;
- } elsif (@components == 0) {
- fatal_error( _g( "We're supposed to display the homepage here, instead of getting dispatch.pl" ) );
- } elsif (@components == 1) {
- $what_to_do = 'search';
- } else {
- for ($components[-1]) {
- /^(index|allpackages|newpkg|changelog|copyright|download|filelist)$/ && do {
- pop @components;
- $what_to_do = $1;
- last;
- };
- }
- my %SUITES = map { $_ => 1 } @SUITES;
- my %SUITES_ALIAS = ( sarge => 'oldstable',
- etch => 'stable',
- lenny => 'testing',
- sid => 'unstable', );
- my %SECTIONS = map { $_ => 1 } @SECTIONS;
- my %ARCHIVES = map { $_ => 1 } @ARCHIVES;
- my %ARCHITECTURES = map { $_ => 1 } (@ARCHITECTURES, 'all', 'any');
- my %PRIORITIES = map { $_ => 1 } @PRIORITIES;
- my %params_set;
- sub set_param_once {
- my ($cgi, $params_set, $key, $val) = @_;
- debug("set_param_once key=$key val=$val",4) if DEBUG;
- if ($params_set->{$key}++) {
- fatal_error( sprintf( _g( "%s set more than once in path" ), $key ) );
- } else {
- $cgi->param( $key, $val );
- }
- }
- my (@pkg, $need_pkg);
- foreach (reverse @components) {
- $need_pkg = !@pkg
- && ($what_to_do !~ /^(index|allpackages|newpkg)$/);
- debug("need_pkg=$need_pkg component=$_",4) if DEBUG;
- if (!$need_pkg && $SUITES{$_}) {
- set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'suite', $_);
- } elsif (!$need_pkg && (my $s = $SUITES_ALIAS{$_})) {
- set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'suite', $s);
- } elsif (!$need_pkg && $SECTIONS{$_}) {
- set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'section', $_);
- } elsif (!$need_pkg && $ARCHIVES{$_}) {
- set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'archive', $_);
- } elsif (!$need_pkg && $sections_descs{$_}) {
- set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'subsection', $_);
- } elsif (!$need_pkg && ($_ eq 'non-us')) { # non-US hack
- set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'subsection', 'non-US');
- } elsif (!$need_pkg && ($_ eq 'source')) {
- set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'source', 1);
- } elsif ($ARCHITECTURES{$_}) {
- set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'arch', $_)
- unless $_ eq 'any';
- } elsif ($PRIORITIES{$_}) {
- set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'priority', $_);
- } else {
- push @pkg, $_;
- }
- }
- @components = @pkg;
- if (@components > 1) {
- fatal_error( sprintf( _g( "two or more packages specified (%s)" ), "@components" ) );
- }
- } # else if (@components == 1)
- if (@components) {
- $input->param( 'keywords', $components[0] );
- $input->param( 'package', $components[0] );
- }
-my ( $pkg, @suites, @sections, @subsections, @archives, @archs );
-my %params_def = ( keywords => { default => undef,
- array => '\s+',
- match => '^([-+\@\w\/.:]+)$',
- },
- package => { default => undef,
- match => '^([\w.+-]+)$',
- var => \$pkg },
- suite => { default => 'default', match => '^([\w-]+)$',
- array => ',', var => \@suites,
- replace => { all => \@SUITES,
- default => \@SUITES } },
- archive => { default => ($what_to_do eq 'search') ?
- 'all' : 'default',
- match => '^([\w-]+)$',
- array => ',', var => \@archives,
- replace => { all => \@ARCHIVES,
- default => \@ARCHIVES} },
- exact => { default => 0, match => '^(\w+)$', },
- lang => { default => $http_lang, match => '^(\w+)$', },
- source => { default => 0, match => '^(\d+)$', },
- debug => { default => 0, match => '^(\d+)$', },
- searchon => { default => 'names', match => '^(\w+)$', },
- section => { default => 'all', match => '^([\w-]+)$',
- alias => 'release', array => ',',
- var => \@sections,
- replace => { all => \@SECTIONS } },
- subsection => { default => 'default', match => '^([\w-]+)$',
- array => ',', var => \@subsections,
- replace => { default => [] } },
- priority => { default => 'default', match => '^([\w-]+)$',
- array => ',',
- replace => { default => [] } },
- arch => { default => 'any', match => '^([\w-]+)$',
- array => ',', var => \@archs, replace =>
- { any => \@ARCHITECTURES } },
- format => { default => 'html', match => '^([\w.]+)$', },
- mode => { default => undef, match => '^(\w+)$', },
- sort_by => { default => 'file', match => '^(\w+)$', },
- );
-my %opts;
-my %params = Packages::CGI::parse_params( $input, \%params_def, \%opts );
-Packages::CGI::init_url( $input, \%params, \%opts );
-my $locale = get_locale($opts{lang});
-my $charset = get_charset($opts{lang});
-setlocale ( LC_ALL, $locale )
- or do { debug( "couldn't set locale $locale, using default" ) if DEBUG;
- setlocale( LC_ALL, get_locale() )
- or do {
- debug( "couldn't set default locale either" ) if DEBUG;
- setlocale( LC_ALL, "C" );
- };
- };
-debug( "locale=$locale charset=$charset", 2 ) if DEBUG;
-$opts{h_suites} = { map { $_ => 1 } @suites };
-$opts{h_sections} = { map { $_ => 1 } @sections };
-$opts{h_archives} = { map { $_ => 1 } @archives };
-$opts{h_archs} = { map { $_ => 1 } @archs };
-if ((($opts{searchon} eq 'names') && $opts{source}) ||
- ($opts{searchon} eq 'sourcenames')) {
- $opts{source} = 1;
- $opts{searchon} = 'names',
- $opts{searchon_form} = 'sourcenames';
-} else {
- $opts{searchon_form} = $opts{searchon};
-if ($opts{searchon} eq 'contents' or $opts{searchon} eq 'filenames') {
- $what_to_do = 'search_contents';
-my $pet1 = new Benchmark;
-my $petd = timediff($pet1, $pet0);
-debug( "Parameter evaluation took ".timestr($petd) ) if DEBUG;
-my $template = new Packages::Template( $TEMPLATEDIR, $opts{format}, { lang => $opts{lang}, charset => $charset, debug => ( DEBUG ? $opts{debug} : 0 ) }, ( $CACHEDIR ? { COMPILE_DIR => $CACHEDIR } : {} ) );
-unless (-e "$TEMPLATEDIR/$opts{format}/${what_to_do}.tmpl") {
- fatal_error( "requested format not available for this document",
- "406 requested format not available");
-my (%page_content);
-unless (@Packages::CGI::fatal_errors) {
- no strict 'refs';
- &{"do_$what_to_do"}( \%params, \%opts, \%page_content );
-$page_content{opts} = \%opts;
-$page_content{params} = \%params;
-$page_content{make_search_url} = sub { return &Packages::CGI::make_search_url(@_) };
-$page_content{make_url} = sub { return &Packages::CGI::make_url(@_) };
-# needed to work around the limitations of the the FILTER syntax
-$page_content{html_encode} = sub { return HTML::Entities::encode_entities(@_,'<>&"') };
-$page_content{uri_escape} = sub { return URI::Escape::uri_escape(@_) };
-$page_content{quotemeta} = sub { return quotemeta($_[0]) };
-$page_content{string2id} = sub { return &Packages::CGI::string2id(@_) };
-unless (@Packages::CGI::fatal_errors) {
- print $input->header(-charset => $charset, -type => get_mime($opts{format}) );
- #use Data::Dumper;
- #print '<pre>'.Dumper(\%ENV, \%page_content, get_all_messages()).'</pre>';
- print $template->page( $what_to_do, { %page_content, %{ get_all_messages() } } );
-} elsif ($Packages::CGI::http_code && $Packages::CGI::http_code !~ /^2\d\d/) {
- print $input->header( -charset => $charset, -status => $Packages::CGI::http_code );
-} else {
- # We currently have only an error page in html
- # so no format support here
- print $input->header( -charset => $charset );
- print $template->error_page( get_all_messages() );
+use Packages::Dispatcher;
# vim: ts=8 sw=4
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -T
+# Packages::Dispatcher -- CGI interface for packages.debian.org
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Frank Lichtenheld
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 1 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+package Packages::Dispatcher;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use CGI;
+use POSIX;
+use File::Basename;
+use URI::Escape;
+use HTML::Entities;
+use Template;
+use DB_File;
+use Benchmark ':hireswallclock';
+use I18N::AcceptLanguage;
+use Locale::gettext;
+use Deb::Versions;
+use Packages::Config qw( $DBDIR $ROOT $TEMPLATEDIR $CACHEDIR
+use Packages::CGI qw( :DEFAULT error get_all_messages );
+use Packages::DB;
+use Packages::Search qw( :all );
+use Packages::Template ();
+use Packages::Sections;
+use Packages::I18N::Locale;
+use Packages::DoSearch;
+use Packages::DoSearchContents;
+use Packages::DoShow;
+use Packages::DoIndex;
+use Packages::DoNewPkg;
+use Packages::DoDownload;
+use Packages::DoFilelist;
+sub do_dispatch {
+ &Packages::CGI::reset;
+ $Packages::Search::too_many_hits = 0;
+ # clean up env
+ $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin";
+ delete $ENV{'LANGUAGE'};
+ delete $ENV{'LANG'};
+ delete $ENV{'LC_ALL'};
+ delete $ENV{'LC_MESSAGES'};
+ # Read in all the variables set by the form
+ my $input;
+ if ($ARGV[0] && ($ARGV[0] eq 'php')) {
+ $input = new CGI(\*STDIN);
+ } else {
+ $input = new CGI;
+ }
+ my $cgi_error = $input->cgi_error;
+ if ($cgi_error) {
+ fatal_error( "Error parsing the request", $cgi_error );
+ }
+ my $pet0 = new Benchmark;
+ my $tet0 = new Benchmark;
+ my $debug = DEBUG && $input->param("debug");
+ $debug = 0 if !defined($debug) || $debug !~ /^\d+$/o;
+ $Packages::CGI::debug = $debug;
+ my $homedir = dirname($ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME}).'/../';
+ &Packages::Config::init( $homedir );
+ &Packages::DB::init();
+ my $acc = I18N::AcceptLanguage->new();
+ my %all_langs = map { $_ => 1 } (@LANGUAGES, @DDTP_LANGUAGES);
+ my @all_langs = sort keys %all_langs;
+ my $http_lang = $acc->accepts( $input->http("Accept-Language"),
+ \@all_langs ) || 'en';
+ debug( "LANGUAGES=@all_langs header=".
+ ($input->http("Accept-Language")||'').
+ " http_lang=$http_lang", 2 ) if DEBUG;
+ bindtextdomain ( 'pdo', $LOCALES );
+ textdomain( 'pdo' );
+ # backwards compatibility stuff
+ if ($ENV{SCRIPT_URL} =~ m|^/cgi-bin/search_|) {
+ error( "You reached this site over an old URL. ".
+ "Depending on the exact parameters your search might work or not." );
+ # contents search changed a lot
+ if ($ENV{SCRIPT_URL} =~ m|^/cgi-bin/search_contents|) {
+ $input->param('keywords',$input->param('word')) if $input->param('word');
+ $input->param('searchon','contents');
+ for ($input->param('searchmode')) {
+ /^searchfiles/ && do {
+ $input->param('mode','filename');
+ last;
+ };
+ /^filelist/ && do {
+ $ENV{PATH_INFO} = '/'.join('/',($input->param('version')||'stable',
+ $input->param('keywords'),
+ $input->param('arch')||'i386',
+ 'filelist' ));
+ $input->delete('searchon','version','keywords','arch');
+ last;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ENV{is_reportbug}) {
+ $input->param('exact', 1);
+ debug( "reportbug detected, set paramater exact to '1'" ) if DEBUG;
+ }
+ my $what_to_do = 'show';
+ my $source = 0;
+ if (my $path = $input->path_info() || $input->param('PATH_INFO')) {
+ my @components = grep { $_ } map { lc $_ } split /\/+/, $path;
+ debug( "PATH_INFO=$path components=@components", 3) if DEBUG;
+ push @components, 'index' if @components && $path =~ m,/$,;
+ my %LANGUAGES = map { $_ => 1 } @all_langs;
+ if (@components > 0 and $LANGUAGES{$components[0]}
+ and !$input->param('lang')) {
+ $input->param( 'lang', shift(@components) );
+ }
+ if (@components > 0 and $components[0] eq 'source') {
+ shift @components;
+ $input->param( 'source', 1 );
+ }
+ if (@components > 0 and $components[0] eq 'search') {
+ shift @components;
+ $what_to_do = 'search';
+ # Done
+ fatal_error( _g( "search doesn't take any more path elements" ) )
+ if @components;
+ } elsif (@components == 0) {
+ fatal_error( _g( "We're supposed to display the homepage here, instead of getting dispatch.pl" ) );
+ } elsif (@components == 1) {
+ $what_to_do = 'search';
+ } else {
+ for ($components[-1]) {
+ /^(index|allpackages|newpkg|changelog|copyright|download|filelist)$/ && do {
+ pop @components;
+ $what_to_do = $1;
+ last;
+ };
+ }
+ my %SUITES = map { $_ => 1 } @SUITES;
+ my %SUITES_ALIAS = ( sarge => 'oldstable',
+ etch => 'stable',
+ lenny => 'testing',
+ sid => 'unstable', );
+ my %SECTIONS = map { $_ => 1 } @SECTIONS;
+ my %ARCHIVES = map { $_ => 1 } @ARCHIVES;
+ my %ARCHITECTURES = map { $_ => 1 } (@ARCHITECTURES, 'all', 'any');
+ my %PRIORITIES = map { $_ => 1 } @PRIORITIES;
+ my %params_set;
+ sub set_param_once {
+ my ($cgi, $params_set, $key, $val) = @_;
+ debug("set_param_once key=$key val=$val",4) if DEBUG;
+ if ($params_set->{$key}++) {
+ fatal_error( sprintf( _g( "%s set more than once in path" ), $key ) );
+ } else {
+ $cgi->param( $key, $val );
+ }
+ }
+ my (@pkg, $need_pkg);
+ foreach (reverse @components) {
+ $need_pkg = !@pkg
+ && ($what_to_do !~ /^(index|allpackages|newpkg)$/);
+ debug("need_pkg=$need_pkg component=$_",4) if DEBUG;
+ if (!$need_pkg && $SUITES{$_}) {
+ set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'suite', $_);
+ } elsif (!$need_pkg && (my $s = $SUITES_ALIAS{$_})) {
+ set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'suite', $s);
+ } elsif (!$need_pkg && $SECTIONS{$_}) {
+ set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'section', $_);
+ } elsif (!$need_pkg && $ARCHIVES{$_}) {
+ set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'archive', $_);
+ } elsif (!$need_pkg && $sections_descs{$_}) {
+ set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'subsection', $_);
+ } elsif (!$need_pkg && ($_ eq 'non-us')) { # non-US hack
+ set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'subsection', 'non-US');
+ } elsif (!$need_pkg && ($_ eq 'source')) {
+ set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'source', 1);
+ } elsif ($ARCHITECTURES{$_}) {
+ set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'arch', $_)
+ unless $_ eq 'any';
+ } elsif ($PRIORITIES{$_}) {
+ set_param_once( $input, \%params_set, 'priority', $_);
+ } else {
+ push @pkg, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ @components = @pkg;
+ if (@components > 1) {
+ fatal_error( sprintf( _g( "two or more packages specified (%s)" ), "@components" ) );
+ }
+ } # else if (@components == 1)
+ if (@components) {
+ $input->param( 'keywords', $components[0] );
+ $input->param( 'package', $components[0] );
+ }
+ }
+ my ( $pkg, @suites, @sections, @subsections, @archives, @archs );
+ my %params_def = ( keywords => { default => undef,
+ array => '\s+',
+ match => '^([-+\@\w\/.:]+)$',
+ },
+ package => { default => undef,
+ match => '^([\w.+-]+)$',
+ var => \$pkg },
+ suite => { default => 'default', match => '^([\w-]+)$',
+ array => ',', var => \@suites,
+ replace => { all => \@SUITES,
+ default => \@SUITES } },
+ archive => { default => ($what_to_do eq 'search') ?
+ 'all' : 'default',
+ match => '^([\w-]+)$',
+ array => ',', var => \@archives,
+ replace => { all => \@ARCHIVES,
+ default => \@ARCHIVES} },
+ exact => { default => 0, match => '^(\w+)$', },
+ lang => { default => $http_lang, match => '^(\w+)$', },
+ source => { default => 0, match => '^(\d+)$', },
+ debug => { default => 0, match => '^(\d+)$', },
+ searchon => { default => 'names', match => '^(\w+)$', },
+ section => { default => 'all', match => '^([\w-]+)$',
+ alias => 'release', array => ',',
+ var => \@sections,
+ replace => { all => \@SECTIONS } },
+ subsection => { default => 'default', match => '^([\w-]+)$',
+ array => ',', var => \@subsections,
+ replace => { default => [] } },
+ priority => { default => 'default', match => '^([\w-]+)$',
+ array => ',',
+ replace => { default => [] } },
+ arch => { default => 'any', match => '^([\w-]+)$',
+ array => ',', var => \@archs, replace =>
+ { any => \@ARCHITECTURES } },
+ format => { default => 'html', match => '^([\w.]+)$', },
+ mode => { default => undef, match => '^(\w+)$', },
+ sort_by => { default => 'file', match => '^(\w+)$', },
+ );
+ my %opts;
+ my %params = Packages::CGI::parse_params( $input, \%params_def, \%opts );
+Packages::CGI::init_url( $input, \%params, \%opts );
+ my $locale = get_locale($opts{lang});
+ my $charset = get_charset($opts{lang});
+ setlocale ( LC_ALL, $locale )
+ or do { debug( "couldn't set locale $locale, using default" ) if DEBUG;
+ setlocale( LC_ALL, get_locale() )
+ or do {
+ debug( "couldn't set default locale either" ) if DEBUG;
+ setlocale( LC_ALL, "C" );
+ };
+ };
+ debug( "locale=$locale charset=$charset", 2 ) if DEBUG;
+ $opts{h_suites} = { map { $_ => 1 } @suites };
+ $opts{h_sections} = { map { $_ => 1 } @sections };
+ $opts{h_archives} = { map { $_ => 1 } @archives };
+ $opts{h_archs} = { map { $_ => 1 } @archs };
+ if ((($opts{searchon} eq 'names') && $opts{source}) ||
+ ($opts{searchon} eq 'sourcenames')) {
+ $opts{source} = 1;
+ $opts{searchon} = 'names',
+ $opts{searchon_form} = 'sourcenames';
+ } else {
+ $opts{searchon_form} = $opts{searchon};
+ }
+ if ($opts{searchon} eq 'contents' or $opts{searchon} eq 'filenames') {
+ $what_to_do = 'search_contents';
+ }
+ my $pet1 = new Benchmark;
+ my $petd = timediff($pet1, $pet0);
+ debug( "Parameter evaluation took ".timestr($petd) ) if DEBUG;
+ my $template = new Packages::Template( $TEMPLATEDIR, $opts{format},
+ { lang => $opts{lang}, charset => $charset,
+ debug => ( DEBUG ? $opts{debug} : 0 ) },
+ ( $CACHEDIR ? { COMPILE_DIR => $CACHEDIR } : {} ) );
+ unless (-e "$TEMPLATEDIR/$opts{format}/${what_to_do}.tmpl") {
+ fatal_error( "requested format not available for this document",
+ "406 requested format not available");
+ }
+ my (%page_content);
+ unless (@Packages::CGI::fatal_errors) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ &{"do_$what_to_do"}( \%params, \%opts, \%page_content );
+ }
+ $page_content{opts} = \%opts;
+ $page_content{params} = \%params;
+ $page_content{make_search_url} = sub { return &Packages::CGI::make_search_url(@_) };
+ $page_content{make_url} = sub { return &Packages::CGI::make_url(@_) };
+ # needed to work around the limitations of the the FILTER syntax
+ $page_content{html_encode} = sub { return HTML::Entities::encode_entities(@_,'<>&"') };
+ $page_content{uri_escape} = sub { return URI::Escape::uri_escape(@_) };
+ $page_content{quotemeta} = sub { return quotemeta($_[0]) };
+ $page_content{string2id} = sub { return &Packages::CGI::string2id(@_) };
+ unless (@Packages::CGI::fatal_errors) {
+ print $input->header(-charset => $charset, -type => get_mime($opts{format}) );
+ #use Data::Dumper;
+ #print '<pre>'.Dumper(\%ENV, \%page_content, get_all_messages()).'</pre>';
+ print $template->page( $what_to_do, { %page_content, %{ get_all_messages() } } );
+ } elsif ($Packages::CGI::http_code && $Packages::CGI::http_code !~ /^2\d\d/) {
+ print $input->header( -charset => $charset, -status => $Packages::CGI::http_code );
+ } else {
+ # We currently have only an error page in html
+ # so no format support here
+ print $input->header( -charset => $charset );
+ print $template->error_page( get_all_messages() );
+ }
+# vim: ts=8 sw=4