use Deb::Versions;
use Packages::I18N::Locale;
use Packages::Search qw( :all );
-use Packages::CGI qw( :DEFAULT msg error );
+use Packages::CGI qw( :DEFAULT );
use Packages::DB;
use Packages::Config qw( $DBDIR @SUITES @ARCHIVES $ROOT );
my @keywords = @{$opts->{keywords}};
my $searchon = $opts->{searchon};
+ $page_content->{search_keywords} = \@keywords;
- # for URL construction
- my $keyword_esc = uri_escape( "@keywords" );
- $opts->{keywords_esc} = $keyword_esc;
- # for output
- my $keyword_enc = encode_entities "@keywords" || '';
- my $searchon_enc = encode_entities $searchon;
- my $suites_enc = encode_entities( join( ', ', @{$params->{values}{suite}{no_replace}} ) );
- my $sections_enc = encode_entities( join( ', ', @{$params->{values}{section}{no_replace}} ) );
- my $archs_enc = encode_entities( join( ', ', @{$params->{values}{arch}{no_replace}} ) );
my $st0 = new Benchmark;
my (@results, @non_results);
\@results, \@non_results );
# use Data::Dumper;
# debug( join( "", Dumper( \@results, \@non_results )) ) if DEBUG;
my $st1 = new Benchmark;
my $std = timediff($st1, $st0);
debug( "Search took ".timestr($std) ) if DEBUG;
- my $suite_wording = $suites_enc =~ /^(default|all)$/ ? _g("all suites")
- : sprintf(_g("suite(s) <em>%s</em>", $suites_enc) );
- my $section_wording = $sections_enc eq 'all' ? _g("all sections")
- : sprintf(_g("section(s) <em>%s</em>", $sections_enc) );
- my $arch_wording = $archs_enc eq 'any' ? _g("all architectures")
- : sprintf(_g("architecture(s) <em>%s</em>", $archs_enc) );
- if ($searchon eq "names") {
- my $source_wording = $opts->{source} ? _g("source packages") : _g("packages");
- # sorry to all translators for that one... (patches welcome)
- msg( sprintf( _g( "You have searched for %s that names contain <em>%s</em> in %s, %s, and %s." ),
- $source_wording, $keyword_enc,
- $suite_wording, $section_wording, $arch_wording ) );
- } else {
- my $exact_wording = $opts->{exact} ? "" : _g(" (including subword matching)");
- msg( sprintf( _g( "You have searched for <em>%s</em> in packages names and descriptions in %s, %s, and %s%s." ),
- $keyword_enc,
- $suite_wording, $section_wording, $arch_wording,
- $exact_wording ) );
- }
- if ($Packages::Search::too_many_hits) {
- error( sprintf( _g( "Your search was too wide so we will only display exact matches. At least <em>%s</em> results have been omitted and will not be displayed. Please consider using a longer keyword or more keywords." ), $Packages::Search::too_many_hits ) );
- }
- if (!@Packages::CGI::fatal_errors && !@results) {
- if ($searchon eq "names") {
- unless (@non_results) {
- error( _g( "Can't find that package." ) );
- } else {
-# hint( _g( "Can't find that package." )." ".
-# sprintf( _g( '<a href="%s">%s</a>'.
-# " results have not been displayed due to the".
-# " search parameters." ), "$SEARCH_URL/$keyword_esc" ,
-# $#non_results+1 ) );
- }
- } else {
- if (($suites_enc eq 'all')
- && ($archs_enc eq 'any')
- && ($sections_enc eq 'all')) {
- error( _g( "Can't find that string." ) );
- } else {
- error( sprintf( _g( "Can't find that string, at least not in that suite (%s, section %s) and on that architecture (%s)." ),
- $suites_enc, $sections_enc, $archs_enc ) );
- }
- if ($opts->{exact}) {
- hint( sprintf( _g( 'You have searched only for words exactly matching your keywords. You can try to search <a href="%s">allowing subword matching</a>.' ),
- encode_entities(make_search_url('',"keywords=$keyword_esc",{exact => 0})) ) );
- }
- }
-# hint( sprintf( _g( 'You can try a different search on the <a href="%s">Packages search page</a>.' ), "$SEARCH_PAGE#search_packages" ) );
- }
- $page_content->{make_url} = sub { return &Packages::CGI::make_url(@_) };
- $page_content->{make_search_url} = sub { return &Packages::CGI::make_search_url(@_) };
- $page_content->{search_field_values} = {
- keywords => $keyword_enc,
- searchon => $opts->{searchon_form},
- arch => $archs_enc,
- suite => $suites_enc,
- section => $sections_enc,
- exact => $opts->{exact},
- debug => $opts->{debug},
- };
+ $page_content->{too_many_hits} = $Packages::Search::too_many_hits;
+ #FIXME: non_results can't be compared to results since it is
+ # not normalized to unique packages
+ $page_content->{non_results} = scalar @non_results;
if (@results) {
my (%pkgs, %subsect, %sect, %archives, %desc, %binaries, %provided_by);
foreach (@results) {
my ($pkg_t, $archive, $suite, $arch, $section, $subsection,
$priority, $version, $desc) = @$_;
my ($pkg) = $pkg_t =~ m/^(.+)/; # untaint
if ($arch ne 'virtual') {
$pkgs{$pkg}{$suite}{$version}{$arch} = 1;
$subsect{$pkg}{$suite}{$version} = $subsection;
$sect{$pkg}{$suite}{$version} = $section;
$archives{$pkg}{$suite}{$version} ||= $archive;
$desc{$pkg}{$suite}{$version} = $desc;
} else {
$provided_by{$pkg}{$suite} = [ split /\s+/, $desc ];
foreach (@results) {
my ($pkg, $archive, $suite, $section, $subsection, $priority,
$version) = @$_;
my $real_archive = '';
if ($archive =~ /^(security|non-US)$/) {
$real_archive = $archive;
[%- PROCESS 'html/head.tmpl'
title_tag = 'Debian Package Search Results'
print_search_field = 'packages'
+ search_field_values = {
+ keywords => search_keywords.join(' '),
+ searchon => opts.searchon_form,
+ suite => params.values.suite.no_replace.join(','),
+ architectures => params.values.arch.no_replace.join(','),
+ sections => params.values.section.no_replace.join(','),
+ };
navigation = [ { name => 'Package Search Results' } ]
+[% keyword_str = search_keywords.join(' ');
+ keyword_esc = uri_escape(keyword_str);
+ keyword_enc = html_encode(keyword_str);
+ section_str = params.values.section.no_replace.join(', ');
+ section_esc = uri_escape(section_str);
+ section_enc = html_encode(section_str);
+ suite_str = params.values.suite.no_replace.join(', ');
+ suite_esc = uri_escape(suite_str);
+ suite_enc = html_encode(suite_str);
+ architectures_str = params.values.arch.no_replace.join(', ');
+ architectures_esc = uri_escape(architectures_str);
+ architectures_enc = html_encode(architectures_str);
+<div id="psearchsug">
+[% UNLESS results %]
+ <p>You can try a different search on the <a href="[% searchformurl %]#search_packages">Packages search page</a>.</p>
+ [% IF opts.searchon != "names" && opts.exact %]
+ <p>You have searched only for words exactly matching your keywords.
+ You can try to search <a href="[% make_search_url('',"keywords=$keyword_esc",'exact',0) %]">allowing subword matching</a>
+ [% END %]
+[% END %]
+[% IF opts.searchon == "names" && non_results %]
+<p><a href="[% search_url %][% keyword_esc %]">[% non_results %]</a>
+results have not been displayed due to the search parameters.</p>
+[% END %]
[%- PROCESS 'html/messages.tmpl' -%]
<div id="psearchres">
-<p>Found <em>[% results %]</em> matching packages.</p>
+[% suite_wording = suite_enc.match("^(default|all)$") ? "all suites" : "suite(s) <em>$suite_enc</em>";
+ section_wording = (section_enc == 'all') ? "all sections" : "section(s) <em>$section_enc</em>";
+ arch_wording = (architectures_enc == 'any') ? "all architectures" : "architecture(s) <em>$architectures_enc</em>";
+ IF opts.searchon == "names";
+ source_wording = opts.source ? "source packages" : "packages";
+ msg = "You have searched for $source_wording that names contain <em>$keyword_enc</em> in $suite_wording, $section_wording, and $arch_wording .";
+ exact_wording = opts.exact ? "" : " (including subword matching)";
+ msg = "You have searched for <em>$keyword_enc</em> in packages names and descriptions in $suite_wording, $section_wording, and $arch_wording$exact_wording .";
+ END %]
+<p>[% msg %]
+[% IF results %]
+Found <strong>[% results %]</strong> matching packages.</p>
+[% END %]
+[% IF too_many_hits %]
+<p id="psearchtoomanyhits">Your search was too wide so we will only display exact matches.
+At least <em>[% too_many_hits %]</em> results have been omitted and will not be displayed.
+Please consider using a longer keyword or more keywords.</p>
+[% END %]
+[% UNLESS results %]
+<p id="psearchnoresult">Sorry, your search gave no results</p>
+[% END %]
[% FOREACH categories %]
[% "<h2>$name</h2>" IF name %]
<h3>Package [% pkg %]</h3>
[% FOREACH s IN suites %]
- <li><a class="resultlink" href="[% make_url(pkg,'','suite',s.suite) %]">[% s.suite %]</a>[% ' (' _ s.subsect _ ')' IF s.subsect %]: [% s.desc %] [%- IF s.section != main_section %] [<strong class="pmarker">[% s.section %]</strong>][% END %]
+ <li><a class="resultlink" href="[% make_url(pkg,'','suite',s.suite,'arch','','section','') %]">[% s.suite %]</a>[% ' (' _ s.subsect _ ')' IF s.subsect %]: [% s.desc %] [%- IF s.section != main_section %] [<strong class="pmarker">[% s.section %]</strong>][% END %]
[% FOREACH s.versions %]
<br>[% version %] [%- IF archive != main_archive %] [<strong class="pmarker">[% archive %]</strong>][% END %]: [% architectures.join(' ') %]
[% END %]