[%- END -%]
[%- '</div>' IF loop.last -%]
[% END %]
[% IF src %]
<div id="psource">
[% END %]
[%- PROCESS marker text=archive IF archive && archive != main_archive %]
[%- PROCESS marker text=subsection IF subsection == 'non-US' and archive != 'non-US' %]
-[%- PROCESS marker text=section IF section && section != main_section %]</h1>
+[%- PROCESS marker text=section IF section && section != main_section %]
+[%- PROCESS marker text='essential' IF page.get_newest('essential') == 'yes' %]</h1>
[% IF suite == "experimental" || subsection == "debian-installer" %]
<div class="pconstantnag">
[% UNLESS is_virtual %]
<div id="pdesc">
-<h2>[% desc.short %]</h2>
-<p>[% desc.long %]
+[% IF desc.short %]
+ <h2>[% desc.short %]</h2>
+ <p>[% desc.long %]
+[% END %]
</div> <!-- end pdesc -->
[% END %]
[%- END %]
[% IF src -%]
See the <a href="[% pts_url _ src.pkg | uri %]">developer information for [% pkg %]</a>.
+[% ELSIF is_source %]
+See the <a href="[% pts_url _ pkg | uri %]">developer information for [% pkg %]</a>.
[%- END %]
+[% # use url only for source packages
+ # otherwise we have too often two home page links
+ url = page.get_newest('url');
+ IF is_source && url %]
+<p>Homepage: <a href="[% url | uri %]">[% url | html %]</a></p>
+[% END %]
+[% #FIXME: should this only be used for the PTS?
+ known_vcs = [ [ 'cvs', 'CVS' ],
+ [ 'svn', 'Subversion' ],
+ [ 'bzr', 'bzr' ],
+ [ 'darcs', 'Darcs'],
+ [ 'arch', 'arch' ] ];
+ FOREACH vcs IN known_vcs;
+ vcs_id = vcs.0; vcs_name = vcs.1;
+ vcs_info = page.get_newest("vcs-$vcs_id");
+ SET vcs_info = page.get_newest("x-vcs-$vcs_id") UNLESS vcs_info;
+ IF vcs_info; %]
+<p>Repository for Debian package: <a href="[% vcs_info %]" class="pvcslink">[% vcs_info %]</a> (<acronym title="Version Control System">VCS</acronym>: [% vcs_name %])</p>
+[% END; END %]
<p>Search for <a href="[% (is_source ? src_search_url : search_url) _ pkg | uri %]">other versions of [% pkg %]</a></p>
</div> <!-- end pmoreinfo -->