+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
-# $Id$
-# search_contents.pl -- CGI interface to the Contents files on packages.debian.org
-# Copyright (C) 2006 Jeroen van Wolffelaar
-# use is allowed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
-# see http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html for a copy of the license
-sub contents() {
- my $nres = 0;
- my ($cgi) = @_;
- print "Extremely blunt ends-with search results:<br><pre>";
-# only thing implemented yet: ends-with search
- my $kw = lc $cgi->param("keywords");
- # full filename search is tricky
- my $ffn = $cgi->param("fullfilename");
- $ffn = $ffn ? 1 : 0;
-my $suite = 'stable'; #fixme
- my $reverses = tie my %reverses, 'DB_File', "$DBDIR/contents/reverse_$suite.db",
- or die "Failed opening reverse DB: $!";
- if ($ffn) {
- open FILENAMES, "$DBDIR/contents/filenames_$suite.txt"
- or die "Failed opening filename table";
- while (<FILENAMES>) {
- next if index($_, $kw)<0;
- chomp;
- last unless &dosearch(reverse($_)."/", \$nres, $reverses);
- }
- close FILENAMES;
- } else {
- $kw = reverse $kw;
- # exact filename searching follows trivially:
- my $exact = $cgi->param("exact");
- $kw = "$kw/" if $exact;
- print "ERROR: Exact and fullfilenamesearch don't go along" if $ffn and $exact;
- &dosearch($kw, \$nres, $reverses);
- }
- print "</pre>$nres results displayed";
- $reverses = undef;
- untie %reverses;
-sub dosearch
- my ($kw, $nres, $reverses) = @_;
- my ($key, $rest) = ($kw, "");
- for (my $status = $reverses->seq($key, $value, R_CURSOR);
- $status == 0;
- $status = $reverses->seq( $key, $value, R_NEXT)) {
- # FIXME: what's the most efficient "is prefix of" thingy? We only want to know
- # whether $kw is or is not a prefix of $key
- last unless index($key, $kw) == 0;
- @hits = split /\0/o, $value;
- print reverse($key)." is found in @hits\n";
- last if ($$nres)++ > 100;
- }
- return $$nres<100;
-# vim: ts=8 sw=4
--- /dev/null
+package Packages::DoSearchContents;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Benchmark;
+use DB_File;
+use URI::Escape;
+use HTML::Entities;
+use Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw( Exporter );
+our @EXPORT = qw( do_search_contents );
+use Deb::Versions;
+use Packages::Search qw( :all );
+use Packages::CGI;
+use Packages::DB;
+sub do_search_contents {
+ my ($params, $opts, $html_header, $menu, $page_content) = @_;
+ if ($params->{errors}{keywords}) {
+ fatal_error( "keyword not valid or missing" );
+ } elsif (length($opts->{keywords}) < 2) {
+ fatal_error( "keyword too short (keywords need to have at least two characters)" );
+ }
+ $$menu = "";
+ my $keyword = $opts->{keywords};
+ my $searchon = $opts->{searchon};
+ my $exact = $opts->{exact};
+ # for URL construction
+ my $keyword_esc = uri_escape( $keyword );
+ my $suites_param = join ',', @{$params->{values}{suite}{no_replace}};
+ my $sections_param = join ',', @{$params->{values}{section}{no_replace}};
+ my $archs_param = join ',', @{$params->{values}{arch}{no_replace}};
+ # for output
+ my $keyword_enc = encode_entities $keyword || '';
+ my $searchon_enc = encode_entities $searchon;
+ my $suites_enc = encode_entities( join( ', ', @{$params->{values}{suite}{no_replace}} ) );
+ my $sections_enc = encode_entities( join( ', ', @{$params->{values}{section}{no_replace}} ) );
+ my $archs_enc = encode_entities( join( ', ', @{$params->{values}{arch}{no_replace}} ) );
+ my $st0 = new Benchmark;
+ my (@results, @non_results);
+ unless (@Packages::CGI::fatal_errors) {
+ my $nres = 0;
+ my $kw = lc $keyword;
+ # full filename search is tricky
+ my $ffn = $searchon eq 'filenames';
+ my $suite = 'stable'; #fixme
+ my $reverses = tie my %reverses, 'DB_File', "$DBDIR/contents/reverse_$suite.db",
+ or die "Failed opening reverse DB: $!";
+ if ($ffn) {
+ open FILENAMES, '-|', 'fgrep', '--', "$DBDIR/contents/filenames_$suite.txt"
+ or die "Failed opening filename table: $!";
+ while (<FILENAMES>) {
+ chomp;
+ last unless &searchfile(\@results, reverse($_)."/", \$nres, $reverses);
+ }
+ close FILENAMES;
+ } else {
+ $kw = reverse $kw;
+ # exact filename searching follows trivially:
+ $kw = "$kw/" if $exact;
+ print "ERROR: Exact and fullfilenamesearch don't go along" if $ffn and $exact;
+ &searchfile(\@results, $kw, \$nres, $reverses);
+ }
+ $reverses = undef;
+ untie %reverses;
+ my $st1 = new Benchmark;
+ my $std = timediff($st1, $st0);
+ debug( "Search took ".timestr($std) );
+ }
+ my $suite_wording = $suites_enc eq "all" ? "all suites"
+ : "suite(s) <em>$suites_enc</em>";
+ my $section_wording = $sections_enc eq 'all' ? "all sections"
+ : "section(s) <em>$sections_enc</em>";
+ my $arch_wording = $archs_enc eq 'any' ? "all architectures"
+ : "architecture(s) <em>$archs_enc</em>";
+ my $wording = $opts->{exact} ? "exact filenames" : "filenames that contain";
+ $wording = "paths that end with" if $searchon eq "contents";
+ msg( "You have searched for ${wording} <em>$keyword_enc</em> in $suite_wording, $section_wording, and $arch_wording." );
+ if ($Packages::Search::too_many_hits) {
+ error( "Your search was too wide so we will only display exact matches. At least <em>$Packages::Search::too_many_hits</em> results have been omitted and will not be displayed. Please consider using a longer keyword or more keywords." );
+ }
+ $$page_content = '';
+ if (!@Packages::CGI::fatal_errors && !@results) {
+ $$page_content .= "No results";
+ }
+ %$html_header = ( title => 'Package Contents Search Results' ,
+ lang => 'en',
+ title_tag => 'Debian Package Contents Search Results',
+ print_title => 1,
+ print_search_field => 'packages',
+ search_field_values => {
+ keywords => $keyword_enc,
+ searchon => 'contents',
+ arch => $archs_enc,
+ suite => $suites_enc,
+ section => $sections_enc,
+ exact => $opts->{exact},
+ debug => $opts->{debug},
+ },
+ );
+ if (@results) {
+ $$page_content .= scalar @results . " results displayed:<br>";
+ foreach (@results) {
+ $$page_content .= "<tt>$_</tt><br>\n";
+ }
+ }
+} # sub do_search_contents
+sub searchfile
+ my ($results, $kw, $nres, $reverses) = @_;
+ my ($key, $value) = ($kw, "");
+ for (my $status = $reverses->seq($key, $value, R_CURSOR);
+ $status == 0;
+ $status = $reverses->seq( $key, $value, R_NEXT)) {
+ # FIXME: what's the most efficient "is prefix of" thingy? We only want to know
+ # whether $kw is or is not a prefix of $key
+ last unless index($key, $kw) == 0;
+ my @hits = split /\0/o, $value;
+ push @$results, reverse($key)." is found in @hits";
+ last if ($$nres)++ > 100;
+ }
+ return $$nres<100;