+2009-12-30 21:34 Jochen Striepe
+ * t-prot, t-prot.1: Fix last commit, release as t-prot v2.10.
+ Update man page.
+2009-12-30 21:28 Jochen Striepe
+ * t-prot: Release as t-prot v2.9.
+2009-12-30 21:27 Jochen Striepe
+ * t-prot: Do not check for message length in attachments (we
+ checked already for the entire message). Do exit with proper exit
+ code if message is longer than set in --max-lines (so scripts can
+ see if we gave up processing).
+2009-12-30 09:07 Jochen Striepe
+ * t-prot.1: Fix speling.
+2009-12-25 17:40 Jochen Striepe
+ * t-prot.1: Fix time stamp.
2009-12-20 21:38 Jochen Striepe
* t-prot.1: Fix rendering for anyone out there using UTF-8. Many
+These patches are updated as need be, as several distributions (that
+is, their t-prot package maintainers) use them to adapt t-prot to the
+distribution's environment. They will _not_ get dropped just because
+nobody bugs me. :)
+Users: Please note that these patches will most likely be applied by the
+t-prot package maintainer(s) of your distribution (if the distribution
+makes use of said Slang, mutt and gnupg versions).
Patch by Gregor Herrmann, making t-prot.sl run with Slang-2.
-Please note that these patches will most likely be applied by the t-prot
-package maintainer(s) of your distribution (if the distribution makes
-use of said mutt and gnupg versions).
+++ /dev/null
---- t-prot 2009-12-19 23:22:08.000000000 +0100
-+++ t-prot-gol 2009-12-19 23:22:13.000000000 +0100
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- require 5.006;
- use strict;
- use Fcntl qw(O_EXCL O_WRONLY O_CREAT);
--use Getopt::Mixed qw(nextOption);
-+use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt no_ignore_case);
- use constant VER => '2.8';
- use constant REV => '';
- use constant REL => q$Revision: 1.264 $=~m/(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/;
-@@ -920,83 +920,82 @@
- (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- my $ifile = '-'; # use STDIN if nothing specified
-+# temp vals:
-+my ($_t1, $_t2, $_t3, $_t4, $_t5, $_t6, $_t7, $_t8, $_t9, $_ta, $_tb) = undef;
- # get command line params:
--Getopt::Mixed::init('a A=s c d e h i=s k L=s l m M=s o=s P=s p:s r S:i'.
-- ' s t v w bigq:s body check:s debug>d diff ftr-ad ftr-ml groupwise'.
-- ' help>h kminl=i kmaxl=i kdiff=i lax-security locale=s max-lines=i'.
-- ' ms-smart mua>M pgp-short pgp-move pgp-move-vrf sigsmax:i spass'.
-- ' version>v');
--while (my ($opt, $val, $pretty) = nextOption()) {
-- if ($opt eq 'a') { $ad = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'A') { $ads = $val; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'bigq') {
-- if ($val !~ /^(?:(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?)?$/) { help(); }
-- $bigqn = $1?$1:30;
-- $bigqx = $2?$2:10;
-- if ($bigqn<=0 || $bigqx<=0 || $bigqn<=$bigqx) { help(); }
-- }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'body') { $nohdr = 1; $hdrs = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'c') { $cr = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'check') {
-- $check = 1;
-- while ($val && $val =~ s/^([^,\s]+)(?:,(\S+))?$/$2/) {
-- my $foo = $1;
-+if (!Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
-+ 'a' => \$ad,
-+ 'A=s' => \$ads,
-+ 'bigq:s' => \$_t1,
-+ 'c' => \$cr,
-+ 'check:s' => \$_t9,
-+ 'debug|d' => \$sysl,
-+ 'diff' => \$diff,
-+ 'e' => \$elli,
-+ 'ftr-ad' => \$ftr_ad,
-+ 'ftr-ml' => \$ftr_ml,
-+ 'groupwise' => \$gw,
-+ 'help|h' => \$_t2,
-+ 'i=s' => \$ifile,
-+ 'k' => \$kamm,
-+ 'kminl=i' => \$_t3,
-+ 'kmaxl=i' => \$_t4,
-+ 'kdiff=i' => \$_t5,
-+ 'L=s' => \$footers,
-+ 'l' => \$ml,
-+ 'lax-security' => \$lax,
-+ 'locale=s' => \$locale,
-+ 'max-lines=i' => \$maxlines,
-+ 'ms-smart' => \$ms_smart,
-+ 'mua|M=s' => \$_t7,
-+ 'm' => \$ms,
-+ 'o=s' => \$ofile,
-+ 'P=s' => \$boun,
-+ 'p:s' => \$_t8,
-+ 'pgp-short' => \$pgpshort,
-+ 'pgp-move' => \$pgpmove,
-+ 'pgp-move-vrf' => \$pgpmovevrf,
-+ 'r' => \$hdrs,
-+ 'S:i' => \$_t6,
-+ 's' => \$sig,
-+ 'sigsmax:i' => \$_ta,
-+ 'spass' => \$spass,
-+ 't' => \$trad,
-+ 'version|v' => \$_tb,
-+ 'w' => \$trsp
-+ )) {
-+ help();
-- if ($foo =~ /^ratio=(0?\.\d+)$/) {
-- $check_ratio = $1?$1:1;
-- }
-- }
-+# clean up temp vals:
-+if (defined $_t1) {
-+ if ($_t1 !~ /^(?:(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?)?$/) { help(); }
-+ $bigqn = $1?$1:30;
-+ $bigqx = $2?$2:10;
-+ if ($bigqn<=0 || $bigqx<=0 || $bigqn<=$bigqx) { help(); }
-+if (defined $_t2) { help(); }
-+if (defined $_t3) { $kminl = $_t3; $kamm = 1; }
-+if (defined $_t4) { $kmaxl = $_t4; $kamm = 1; }
-+if (defined $_t5) { $kdiff = $_t5; $kamm = 1; }
-+if (defined $_t6) { $lsig = $_t6 ? $_t6 : $maxsig; }
-+if (defined $_t7) {
-+ $mua = lc($_t7);
-+ # mutt still displays the message when ^C'ing pgp verification:
-+ if ($mua eq 'mutt') { $SIG{'INT'} = 'sigint_handler'; }
-+if (defined $_t8) { $mda = $_t8 ? $_t8 : '1'; }
-+if (defined $_t9) {
-+ $check = 1;
-+ while ($_t9 && $_t9 =~ s/^([^,\s]+)(?:,(\S+))?$/$2/) {
-+ my $foo = $1;
-+ if ($foo =~ /^ratio=(0?\.\d+)$/) { $check_ratio = $1?$1:1; }
- }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'd') { $sysl = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'diff') { $diff = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'e') { $elli = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'ftr-ad') { $ftr_ad = 1; $ad = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'ftr-ml') { $ftr_ml = 1; $ml = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'groupwise') { $gw = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'i') { $ifile = $val; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'k') { $kamm = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'kminl') { $kminl = $val; $kamm = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'kmaxl') { $kmaxl = $val; $kamm = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'kdiff') { $kdiff = $val; $kamm = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'L') { $footers = $val; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'l') { $ml = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'lax-security') { $lax = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'locale') { $locale = $val; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'm') { $ms = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'max-lines') { $maxlines = $val; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'ms-smart') { $ms_smart = 1; $ms = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'M') {
-- $mua = lc($val);
-- if ($mua eq 'mutt') {
-- # mutt still displays the message when ^C'ing pgp verification:
-- $SIG{'INT'} = 'sigint_handler';
-- }
-- }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'o') { $ofile = $val; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'P') { $boun = $val; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'p') { $mda = $val ? $val : '1'; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'pgp-short') { $pgpshort = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'pgp-move') { $pgpmove = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'pgp-move-vrf') { $pgpmovevrf = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'r') { $hdrs = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'S') { $lsig = $val ? $val : $maxsig; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 's') { $sig = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'sigsmax') { $sign = $val ? $val : undef; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'spass') { $spass = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 't') { $trad = 1; }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'v') { version(); }
-- elsif ($opt eq 'w') { $trsp = 1; }
-- else { help(); }
- }
--if (($ml && $footers eq '')|| # no -l without -L
-- ($ad && $ads eq '')|| # no -a without -A
-- ($nohdr && $pgpshort)|| # --body and --pgp-short are like oil and water
-- ($ifile eq '')|| # no empty -i
-- ($ofile eq '')) # no empty -o
--{ help(); }
-+if (defined $_ta) { $sign = $_ta ? $_ta : undef; }
-+if (defined $_tb) { version(); }
-+if ($ms_smart) { $ms = 1; }
- if ($mua eq 'mutt') {
- if (defined $locale && $locale ne '' && $locale ne 'C' && $locale ne 'POSIX') {
-@@ -1058,11 +1057,15 @@
- m/^([^%]*)/;
- }
- }
--else {
-- if ($ms_smart || $pgpshort || $pgpmove || $pgpmovevrf) { help(); }
- }
-+elsif ($ms_smart || $pgpshort || $pgpmove || $pgpmovevrf) { help(); }
-+if (($ml && $footers eq '')|| # no -l without -L
-+ ($ad && $ads eq '')|| # no -a without -A
-+ ($nohdr && $pgpshort)|| # --body and --pgp-short are like oil and water
-+ ($ifile eq '')|| # no empty -i
-+ ($ofile eq '')) # no empty -o
-+{ help(); }
- # Read message:
--- /dev/null
+--- t-prot 2009-12-30 22:34:16.000000000 +0100
++++ t-prot-gol 2009-12-30 22:35:36.000000000 +0100
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ require 5.006;
+ use strict;
+ use Fcntl qw(O_EXCL O_WRONLY O_CREAT);
+-use Getopt::Mixed qw(nextOption);
++use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt no_ignore_case);
+ use constant VER => '2.10';
+ use constant REV => '';
+ use constant REL => q$Revision: 1.267 $=~m/(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/;
+@@ -915,83 +915,82 @@
+ (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ my $ifile = '-'; # use STDIN if nothing specified
++# temp vals:
++my ($_t1, $_t2, $_t3, $_t4, $_t5, $_t6, $_t7, $_t8, $_t9, $_ta, $_tb) = undef;
+ # get command line params:
+-Getopt::Mixed::init('a A=s c d e h i=s k L=s l m M=s o=s P=s p:s r S:i'.
+- ' s t v w bigq:s body check:s debug>d diff ftr-ad ftr-ml groupwise'.
+- ' help>h kminl=i kmaxl=i kdiff=i lax-security locale=s max-lines=i'.
+- ' ms-smart mua>M pgp-short pgp-move pgp-move-vrf sigsmax:i spass'.
+- ' version>v');
+-while (my ($opt, $val, $pretty) = nextOption()) {
+- if ($opt eq 'a') { $ad = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'A') { $ads = $val; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'bigq') {
+- if ($val !~ /^(?:(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?)?$/) { help(); }
+- $bigqn = $1?$1:30;
+- $bigqx = $2?$2:10;
+- if ($bigqn<=0 || $bigqx<=0 || $bigqn<=$bigqx) { help(); }
+- }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'body') { $nohdr = 1; $hdrs = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'c') { $cr = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'check') {
+- $check = 1;
+- while ($val && $val =~ s/^([^,\s]+)(?:,(\S+))?$/$2/) {
+- my $foo = $1;
++if (!Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
++ 'a' => \$ad,
++ 'A=s' => \$ads,
++ 'bigq:s' => \$_t1,
++ 'c' => \$cr,
++ 'check:s' => \$_t9,
++ 'debug|d' => \$sysl,
++ 'diff' => \$diff,
++ 'e' => \$elli,
++ 'ftr-ad' => \$ftr_ad,
++ 'ftr-ml' => \$ftr_ml,
++ 'groupwise' => \$gw,
++ 'help|h' => \$_t2,
++ 'i=s' => \$ifile,
++ 'k' => \$kamm,
++ 'kminl=i' => \$_t3,
++ 'kmaxl=i' => \$_t4,
++ 'kdiff=i' => \$_t5,
++ 'L=s' => \$footers,
++ 'l' => \$ml,
++ 'lax-security' => \$lax,
++ 'locale=s' => \$locale,
++ 'max-lines=i' => \$maxlines,
++ 'ms-smart' => \$ms_smart,
++ 'mua|M=s' => \$_t7,
++ 'm' => \$ms,
++ 'o=s' => \$ofile,
++ 'P=s' => \$boun,
++ 'p:s' => \$_t8,
++ 'pgp-short' => \$pgpshort,
++ 'pgp-move' => \$pgpmove,
++ 'pgp-move-vrf' => \$pgpmovevrf,
++ 'r' => \$hdrs,
++ 'S:i' => \$_t6,
++ 's' => \$sig,
++ 'sigsmax:i' => \$_ta,
++ 'spass' => \$spass,
++ 't' => \$trad,
++ 'version|v' => \$_tb,
++ 'w' => \$trsp
++ )) {
++ help();
+- if ($foo =~ /^ratio=(0?\.\d+)$/) {
+- $check_ratio = $1?$1:1;
+- }
+- }
++# clean up temp vals:
++if (defined $_t1) {
++ if ($_t1 !~ /^(?:(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?)?$/) { help(); }
++ $bigqn = $1?$1:30;
++ $bigqx = $2?$2:10;
++ if ($bigqn<=0 || $bigqx<=0 || $bigqn<=$bigqx) { help(); }
++if (defined $_t2) { help(); }
++if (defined $_t3) { $kminl = $_t3; $kamm = 1; }
++if (defined $_t4) { $kmaxl = $_t4; $kamm = 1; }
++if (defined $_t5) { $kdiff = $_t5; $kamm = 1; }
++if (defined $_t6) { $lsig = $_t6 ? $_t6 : $maxsig; }
++if (defined $_t7) {
++ $mua = lc($_t7);
++ # mutt still displays the message when ^C'ing pgp verification:
++ if ($mua eq 'mutt') { $SIG{'INT'} = 'sigint_handler'; }
++if (defined $_t8) { $mda = $_t8 ? $_t8 : '1'; }
++if (defined $_t9) {
++ $check = 1;
++ while ($_t9 && $_t9 =~ s/^([^,\s]+)(?:,(\S+))?$/$2/) {
++ my $foo = $1;
++ if ($foo =~ /^ratio=(0?\.\d+)$/) { $check_ratio = $1?$1:1; }
+ }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'd') { $sysl = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'diff') { $diff = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'e') { $elli = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'ftr-ad') { $ftr_ad = 1; $ad = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'ftr-ml') { $ftr_ml = 1; $ml = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'groupwise') { $gw = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'i') { $ifile = $val; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'k') { $kamm = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'kminl') { $kminl = $val; $kamm = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'kmaxl') { $kmaxl = $val; $kamm = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'kdiff') { $kdiff = $val; $kamm = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'L') { $footers = $val; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'l') { $ml = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'lax-security') { $lax = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'locale') { $locale = $val; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'm') { $ms = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'max-lines') { $maxlines = $val; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'ms-smart') { $ms_smart = 1; $ms = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'M') {
+- $mua = lc($val);
+- if ($mua eq 'mutt') {
+- # mutt still displays the message when ^C'ing pgp verification:
+- $SIG{'INT'} = 'sigint_handler';
+- }
+- }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'o') { $ofile = $val; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'P') { $boun = $val; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'p') { $mda = $val ? $val : '1'; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'pgp-short') { $pgpshort = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'pgp-move') { $pgpmove = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'pgp-move-vrf') { $pgpmovevrf = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'r') { $hdrs = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'S') { $lsig = $val ? $val : $maxsig; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 's') { $sig = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'sigsmax') { $sign = $val ? $val : undef; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'spass') { $spass = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 't') { $trad = 1; }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'v') { version(); }
+- elsif ($opt eq 'w') { $trsp = 1; }
+- else { help(); }
+ }
+-if (($ml && $footers eq '')|| # no -l without -L
+- ($ad && $ads eq '')|| # no -a without -A
+- ($nohdr && $pgpshort)|| # --body and --pgp-short are like oil and water
+- ($ifile eq '')|| # no empty -i
+- ($ofile eq '')) # no empty -o
+-{ help(); }
++if (defined $_ta) { $sign = $_ta ? $_ta : undef; }
++if (defined $_tb) { version(); }
++if ($ms_smart) { $ms = 1; }
+ if ($mua eq 'mutt') {
+ if (defined $locale && $locale ne '' && $locale ne 'C' && $locale ne 'POSIX') {
+@@ -1053,11 +1052,15 @@
+ m/^([^%]*)/;
+ }
+ }
+-else {
+- if ($ms_smart || $pgpshort || $pgpmove || $pgpmovevrf) { help(); }
+ }
++elsif ($ms_smart || $pgpshort || $pgpmove || $pgpmovevrf) { help(); }
++if (($ml && $footers eq '')|| # no -l without -L
++ ($ad && $ads eq '')|| # no -a without -A
++ ($nohdr && $pgpshort)|| # --body and --pgp-short are like oil and water
++ ($ifile eq '')|| # no empty -i
++ ($ofile eq '')) # no empty -o
++{ help(); }
+ # Read message:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: t-prot,v 1.264 2009/12/19 22:18:47 jochen Exp $
+# $Id: t-prot,v 1.267 2009/12/30 21:34:16 jochen Exp $
require 5.006;
use strict;
use Fcntl qw(O_EXCL O_WRONLY O_CREAT);
use Getopt::Mixed qw(nextOption);
-use constant VER => '2.8';
+use constant VER => '2.10';
use constant REV => '';
-use constant REL => q$Revision: 1.264 $=~m/(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/;
+use constant REL => q$Revision: 1.267 $=~m/(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/;
# MTA expecting mail on STDIN
# (you might have to adjust this if using a different MTA)
use constant SENDMAIL => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi';
my (@ads, @hdr, @bo1, @bo2, @ftr, @sig, @vrb, @att) =
((), (), (), (), (), (), (), (), ());
- # First, check msg length and stop processing if msg is too long:
- if ((defined $maxlines) && (@$lines > $maxlines)) {
- return;
- }
# Remove and store lines we might need later...
# Remove headers:
if (!$nohdr) {
my @message = <IN>;
close IN;
+# First, check msg length and stop processing if msg is too long:
+if ((defined $maxlines) && (@message > $maxlines)) {
+ if ($ofile ne 'NONE') {
+ write_msg(($mda?'|'.SENDMAIL." $mda":">$ofile"), \@message);
+ }
+ exit(EX_DATAERR);
# this should be self-explanatory:
-.\" $Id: t-prot.1,v 1.136 2009/12/20 21:38:41 jochen Exp $
+.\" $Id: t-prot.1,v 1.139 2009/12/30 21:34:16 jochen Exp $
-.TH T-PROT "1" "August 2009" "T-PROT"
+.TH T-PROT "1" "December 2009" "T-PROT"
t-prot \- TOFU Protection - Display Filter for RFC 2822 messages
.BR "\-\-max\-lines" =x
Maximum number of lines a message may count (with headers). If the message
is longer than x lines, the message will not be processed but printed
+unmodified. Exit status will be EX_DATAERR.
.BR "\-o" =FILE
"output file":
There is a problem when mutt gives a PGP verified or even a multipart
message to t-prot: The information where the PGP encrypted/signed data
or even attachments begin and end is plainly embedded in the text, not
-really cleanly recognizeable for t-prot. The problem should be worked
+really cleanly recognizable for t-prot. The problem should be worked
around by now, please send a bug report if it does not work for you.
Please note that t-prot development happens on