--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -T
+# download.pl -- CGI interface for downloading files on packages.debian.org
+# Copyright (C) 1998 (?) James Treacy
+# Copyright (C) 2001 Josip Rodin
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Frank Lichtenheld
+# Licensed under the GPL or something.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use CGI ();
+use DB_File;
+use Benchmark;
+use lib "../lib";
+use Deb::Versions;
+use Packages::HTML ();
+use Packages::Search qw( :all );
+use Packages::CGI;
+use Packages::DB;
+&Packages::Config::init( '../' );
+# TODO: find a way to get the U.S. mirror list from a more authoritive
+# location automatically. might not be overly smart to automatize it
+# completely, since I hand pick sites that are up-to-date, fast, and
+# have HTTP on a reasonably short URL
+# -- Joy
+# hint:
+# grep-dctrl -F Site,Alias -e '(udel|bigfoot|kernel|crosslink|internap|cerias|lcs.mit|progeny)' Mirrors.masterlist | timestamps/archive_mirror_check.py
+my @north_american_sites = (
+ "ftp.us.debian.org/debian",
+ "http.us.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.debian.org/debian",
+# "ftp.ca.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.egr.msu.edu/debian",
+ "mirrors.kernel.org/debian",
+ "archive.progeny.com/debian",
+ "debian.crosslink.net/debian",
+ "ftp-mirror.internap.com/pub/debian",
+ "ftp.cerias.purdue.edu/pub/os/debian",
+ "ftp.lug.udel.edu/debian",
+ "debian.lcs.mit.edu/debian",
+ "debian.teleglobe.net",
+ "debian.rutgers.edu",
+ "debian.oregonstate.edu/debian",
+ );
+my @european_sites = (
+ "ftp.de.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.at.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.bg.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.cz.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.dk.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.ee.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.fi.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.fr.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.hr.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.hu.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.ie.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.is.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.it.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.nl.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.no.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.pl.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.si.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.es.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.se.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.tr.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.uk.debian.org/debian",
+ );
+my @south_american_sites = (
+ "ftp.br.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.cl.debian.org/debian",
+ );
+my @australian_sites = (
+ "ftp.au.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.wa.au.debian.org/debian",
+ "ftp.nz.debian.org/debian",
+ );
+my @asian_sites = (
+ "ftp.jp.debian.org/debian",
+# "ftp.kr.debian.org/debian",
+ "linux.csie.nctu.edu.tw/debian",
+ "debian.linux.org.tw/debian",
+ "linux.cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw/debian",
+ );
+my @volatile_european_sites = (
+ "volatile.debian.net/debian-volatile",
+ "ftp2.de.debian.org/debian-volatile",
+ "ftp.sk.debian.org/debian-volatile",
+ );
+my @backports_european_sites = (
+ "www.backports.org/debian",
+ "debian.sil.at/backports.org/",
+ "backports.debian.or.at/backports.org",
+ "mirror.realroute.net/backports.org",
+ "backports.cisbg.com",
+ "backports.linuxdediziert.de/backports.org",
+ "debian.netcologne.de/debian-backports",
+ "ftp.de.debian.org/backports.org",
+ "mirror.buildd.net/backports.org",
+ "ftp.estpak.ee/backports.org",
+ "debian.acantho.net/backports.org",
+ "backports.essentkabel.com/backports.org",
+ "backports.sipo.nl",
+ "ftp.tuke.sk",
+ );
+my @backports_asian_sites = (
+ "backports.mithril-linux.org",
+ );
+my @backports_australian_sites = (
+ "mirror.linux.org.au/backports.org",
+ );
+my @amd64_european_sites = (
+ "amd64.debian.net/debian",
+ "ftp.de.debian.org/debian-amd64/debian",
+ "bach.hpc2n.umu.se/debian-amd64/debian",
+ "bytekeeper.as28747.net/debian-amd64/debian",
+ "mirror.switch.ch/debian-amd64/debian",
+ "ftp.nl.debian.org/debian-amd64/debian",
+ );
+my @amd64_asian_sites = (
+ "hanzubon.jp/debian-amd64/debian",
+ );
+my @amd64_north_american_sites = (
+ "mirror.espri.arizona.edu/debian-amd64/debian",
+ );
+my @kfreebsd_north_american_sites = (
+ "www.gtlib.gatech.edu/pub/gnuab/debian",
+ );
+my @kfreebsd_european_sites = (
+ # master site, aka ftp.gnuab.org
+ "kfreebsd-gnu.debian.net/debian",
+ "ftp.easynet.be/ftp/gnuab/debian",
+ "ftp.de.debian.org/debian-kfreebsd",
+ );
+my @nonus_north_american_sites = (
+# "ftp.ca.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "debian.yorku.ca/debian/non-US",
+ "mirror.direct.ca/linux/debian-non-US",
+ );
+my @nonus_european_sites = (
+ "non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.de.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.at.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.bg.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.cz.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.fi.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.fr.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.hr.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.hu.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.ie.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.is.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.it.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.nl.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.no.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.pl.debian.org/debian/non-US",
+ "ftp.si.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.es.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.se.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.tr.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/non-US",
+ );
+my @nonus_australian_sites = (
+ "ftp.au.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.wa.au.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.nz.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ );
+my @nonus_asian_sites = (
+ "ftp.jp.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+# "ftp.kr.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "linux.csie.nctu.edu.tw/debian-non-US",
+ "debian.linux.org.tw/debian-non-US",
+ "linux.cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw/debian-non-US",
+ );
+my @nonus_south_american_sites = (
+ "ftp.br.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ "ftp.cl.debian.org/debian-non-US",
+ );
+# list of architectures
+my %arches = (
+ i386 => 'Intel x86',
+ m68k => 'Motorola 680x0',
+ sparc => 'SPARC',
+ alpha => 'Alpha',
+ powerpc => 'PowerPC',
+ arm => 'ARM',
+ hppa => 'HP PA-RISC',
+ ia64 => 'Intel IA-64',
+ mips => 'MIPS',
+ mipsel => 'MIPS (DEC)',
+ s390 => 'IBM S/390',
+ "hurd-i386" => 'Hurd (i386)',
+ amd64 => 'AMD64',
+ "kfreebsd-i386" => 'GNU/kFreeBSD (i386)'
+$ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin";
+# Read in all the variables set by the form
+my $input;
+if ($ARGV[0] && ($ARGV[0] eq 'php')) {
+ $input = new CGI(\*STDIN);
+} else {
+ $input = new CGI;
+my $pet0 = new Benchmark;
+my $tet0 = new Benchmark;
+# use this to disable debugging in production mode completly
+my $debug_allowed = 1;
+my $debug = $debug_allowed && $input->param("debug");
+$debug = 0 if !defined($debug) || $debug !~ /^\d+$/o;
+$Packages::CGI::debug = $debug;
+if (my $path = $input->param('path')) {
+ my @components = map { lc $_ } split /\//, $path;
+ my %SUITES = map { $_ => 1 } @SUITES;
+ my %ARCHIVES = map { $_ => 1 } @ARCHIVES;
+ my %ARCHITECTURES = map { $_ => 1 } @ARCHITECTURES;
+ foreach (@components) {
+ if ($SUITES{$_}) {
+ $input->param('suite', $_);
+ } elsif ($ARCHIVES{$_}) {
+ $input->param('archive', $_);
+ } elsif ($ARCHITECTURES{$_}) {
+ $input->param('arch', $_);
+ } elsif ($_ eq 'source') {
+ $input->param('source', 1);
+ }
+ }
+my ( $pkg, $suite, @sections, $arch, @archives, $format );
+my %params_def = ( package => { default => undef, match => '^([a-z0-9.+-]+)$',
+ var => \$pkg },
+ suite => { default => undef, match => '^(\w+)$',
+ var => \$suite },
+ archive => { default => 'all', match => '^(\w+)$',
+ array => ', ', var => \@archives,
+ replace => { all => [qw(us security non-US)] } },
+ arch => { default => undef, match => '^(\w+)$',
+ var => \$arch },
+ format => { default => 'html', match => '^(\w+)$',
+ var => \$format },
+ );
+my %opts;
+my %params = Packages::Search::parse_params( $input, \%params_def, \%opts );
+#XXX: Don't use alternative output formats yet
+$format = 'html';
+if ($format eq 'html') {
+ print $input->header( -charset => 'utf-8' );
+if ($params{errors}{package}) {
+ fatal_error( "package not valid or not specified" );
+ $pkg = '';
+if ($params{errors}{suite}) {
+ fatal_error( "suite not valid or not specified" );
+ $suite = '';
+if ($params{errors}{arch}) {
+ fatal_error( "arch not valid or not specified" );
+ $arch = '';
+$opts{h_suites} = { $suite => 1 };
+$opts{h_archs} = { $arch => 1 };
+$opts{h_sections} = { map { $_ => 1 } @SECTIONS };
+$opts{h_archives} = { map { $_ => 1 } @archives };
+our (%packages_all);
+my (@results);
+my ($final_result, $file, $filen, $md5sum, @file_components, $archive) = ("")x5;
+sub gettext { return $_[0]; };
+my $st0 = new Benchmark;
+unless (@Packages::CGI::fatal_errors) {
+ tie %packages_all, 'DB_File', "$DBDIR/packages_all_$suite.db",
+ or die "couldn't tie DB $DBDIR/packages_all_$suite.db: $!";
+ read_entry( \%packages, $pkg, \@results, \%opts );
+ unless (@results) {
+ fatal_error( "No such package".
+ "{insert link to search page with substring search}" );
+ } else {
+ my $final_result = shift @results;
+ foreach (@results) {
+ if (version_cmp( $_->[7], $final_result->[7] ) > 0) {
+ $final_result = $_;
+ }
+ }
+ $archive = $final_result->[1];
+ my %data = split /\000/, $packages_all{"$pkg $arch $final_result->[7]"};
+ $file = $data{filename};
+ @file_components = split('/', $file);
+ $filen = pop(@file_components);
+ $md5sum = $data{md5sum};
+ }
+my $arch_string = $arch ne 'all' ? "on $arches{$arch} machines" : "";
+print Packages::HTML::header( title => "Package Download Selection",
+ lang => "en",
+ print_title_above => 1 );
+if ($file) {
+ print "<h2>Download Page for <kbd>$filen</kbd> $arch_string</h2>\n".
+ "<p>You can download the requested file from the <tt>";
+ print join( '/', @file_components).'/';
+ print "</tt> subdirectory at";
+ print $archive ne 'security' ? " any of these sites:" : ":";
+ print "</p>\n";
+ if ($archive eq 'security') {
+ print <<END;
+ <li><a href="http://security.debian.org/debian-security/$file">security.debian.org/debian-security</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Debian security updates are currently officially distributed only via
+ security.debian.org.</p>
+ } elsif ($arch eq 'amd64') {
+ print_links( "North America", $file, @amd64_north_american_sites );
+ print_links( "Europe", $file, @amd64_european_sites );
+# print_links( "Australia and New Zealand", $file,
+# @nonus_australian_sites );
+ print_links( "Asia", $file, @amd64_asian_sites );
+# print_links( "South America", $file, @nonus_south_american_sites );
+ print <<END;
+<p>Note that AMD64 is not officialy included in the Debian archive
+ yet, but the AMD64 porter group keeps their archive in sync with
+ the official archive as close as possible. See the
+ <a href="http://www.debian.org/ports/amd64/">AMD64 ports page</a> for
+ current information.</p>
+ } elsif ($arch eq 'kfreebsd-i386') {
+ print_links( "North America", $file, @kfreebsd_north_american_sites );
+ print_links( "Europe", $file, @kfreebsd_european_sites );
+# print_links( "Australia and New Zealand", $file,
+# @nonus_australian_sites );
+# print_links( "Asia", $file, @amd64_asian_sites );
+# print_links( "South America", $file, @nonus_south_american_sites );
+ print <<END;
+<p>Note that GNU/kFreeBSD is not officialy included in the Debian archive
+ yet, but the GNU/kFreeBSD porter group keeps their archive in sync with
+ the official archive as close as possible. See the
+ <a href="http://www.debian.org/ports/kfreebsd-gnu/">GNU/kFreeBSD ports page</a> for
+ current information.</p>
+ } elsif ($archive eq 'non-US') {
+ print_links( "North America", $file, @nonus_north_american_sites );
+ print_links( "Europe", $file, @nonus_european_sites );
+ print_links( "Australia and New Zealand", $file,
+ @nonus_australian_sites );
+ print_links( "Asia", $file, @nonus_asian_sites );
+ print_links( "South America", $file, @nonus_south_american_sites );
+ print <<END;
+<p>If none of the above sites are fast enough for you, please see our
+ <a href="http://www.debian.org/mirror/list-non-US">complete mirror list</a>.</p>
+ } elsif ($archive eq 'backports') {
+# print_links( "North America", $file, @nonus_north_american_sites );
+ print '<div class="cardleft">';
+ print_links( "Europe", $file, @backports_european_sites );
+ print '</div><div class="cardright">';
+ print_links( "Australia and New Zealand", $file,
+ @backports_australian_sites );
+ print_links( "Asia", $file, @backports_asian_sites );
+# print_links( "South America", $file, @nonus_south_american_sites );
+ print '</div>';
+ print <<END;
+<p style="clear:both">If none of the above sites are fast enough for you, please see our
+ <a href="http://www.backports.org/debian/README.mirrors.html">complete mirror list</a>.</p>
+ } elsif ($archive eq 'volatile') {
+# print_links( "North America", $file, @nonus_north_american_sites );
+ print_links( "Europe", $file, @volatile_european_sites );
+# print_links( "Australia and New Zealand", $file,
+# @nonus_australian_sites );
+# print_links( "Asia", $file, @nonus_asian_sites );
+# print_links( "South America", $file, @nonus_south_american_sites );
+ print <<END;
+<p>If none of the above sites are fast enough for you, please see our
+ <a href="http://volatile.debian.net/mirrors.html">complete mirror list</a>.</p>
+ } elsif ($archive eq 'us') {
+ print '<div class="cardleft">';
+ print_links( "North America", $file, @north_american_sites );
+ print '</div><div class="cardright">';
+ print_links( "Europe", $file, @european_sites );
+ print '</div><div class="cardleft">';
+ print_links( "Australia and New Zealand", $file, @australian_sites );
+ print '</div><div class="cardright">';
+ print_links( "Asia", $file, @asian_sites );
+ print '</div><div class="cardleft">';
+ print_links( "South America", $file, @south_american_sites );
+ print '</div>';
+ print <<END;
+<p style="clear:both">If none of the above sites are fast enough for you, please see our
+ <a href="http://www.debian.org/mirror/list">complete mirror list</a>.</p>
+ }
+ print <<END;
+<p>Note that in some browsers you will need to tell your browser you want
+ the file saved to a file. For example, in Netscape or Mozilla, you should
+ hold the Shift key when you click on the URL.</p>
+ print "<p>The MD5sum for <tt>$filen</tt> is <strong>$md5sum</strong></p>\n"
+ if $md5sum;
+my $trailer = Packages::HTML::trailer( ".." );
+$trailer =~ s/LAST_MODIFIED_DATE/gmtime()/e;
+print $trailer;
+sub print_links {
+ my ( $title, $file, @servers ) = @_;
+ print "<p><em>$title</em></p>";
+ print "<ul>";
+ foreach (@servers) {
+ print "<li><a href=\"http://$_/$file\">$_</a></li>\n";
+ # print "<li><a href=\"ftp://$_/$file\">$_</a></li>\n";
+ }
+ print "</ul>";