If the user overrode the content negotiation, it should be preserved
when using the search form at the top of the pages.
[% IF search_field_values.suite %]<input type="hidden" name="suite" value="[% search_field_values.suite %]">[% END %]
[% IF search_field_values.sections %]<input type="hidden" name="section" value="[% search_field_values.sections %]">[% END %]
[% IF search_field_values.architectures %]<input type="hidden" name="arch" value="[% search_field_values.architectures %]">[% END %]
+[% IF opts.lang %]<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="[% opts.lang %]">[% END %]
<input type="submit" value="[% g('Search') %]">
<select size="1" name="searchon">
<option value="names" [% selected IF search_field_values.searchon == 'names' || search_field_values.searchon == 'default' %]>