* Rechnerflotte verwalten
* Updates
+ * Automatical merging of configuration (maintainer's and own changes)
+ * Writing Debhelper addons
+ * [Elektra](http://www.libelektra.org) GSOC: Improving configuration upgrades in debian
+ * Adding conffile hooks to dpkg
+ *
* Pakete
* Dot Files
* Logs & Errors
* Storage
* LVM's Caching Feature
-* [Elektra](http://www.libelektra.org) 0.8.6 released
- * Python3, Lua, C++ bindings
- * logging to journald
- * augeas plugin (store and read any configuration file via lenses)
- * GSOC started: Improving configuration upgrades in debian
* Neue Debienna Shirts
* Wo bestellen?
* Was soll drauf?
on a DVI -> VGA Adapter
* Another hint: check the xorg.log. there you see which modes are from config
and which are probed
+* Mouse gets disconnected from time to time
* Kennt jemand eine C library, die nützlich ist um Programme zum
Steuern von Maschinen zu schreiben?
* Warum eine Library wenn es der Kernel tun kann?
### Wer kommt?
* SebastianBachmann
+* MarkusRaab
* ...