use Storable;
use HTML::Entities;
use Locale::gettext;
+use Compress::Zlib;
use lib './lib';
print {$pages{$key}{$lang}{index}{fh}} '</dl></div>',
"<p class=\"psmallcenter\"><a href=\"allpackages\" title=\""._g( "List of all packages" )."\">".
- _g( "All packages" ) ."</a><br>(<a href=\"allpackages.en.txt.gz\">".
+ _g( "All packages" ) ."</a><br>(<a href=\"allpackages?format=txt.gz\">".
_g( "compact compressed textlist" )."</a>)</p>\n";
print {$pages{$key}{$lang}{index}{fh}} trailer( "../", 'index', $lang, @LANGUAGES );
close $pages{$key}{$lang}{index}{fh} or
mkpath ( "$wwwdir/$key" );
open $pages{$key}{fh}, '>', "$wwwdir/$key/"
or die "can't open index file for output: $!";
+ $pages{$key}{textgz} = gzopen("$wwwdir/$key/",
+ 'wb9')
+ or die "can't open text index file for output: $!";
my $title = sprintf( _g( "Software Packages in \"%s\"" ),
$key );
desc => encode_entities( $title, '"' ),
lang => 'en' ),
title( $title ), '<dl>';
+ my $title_txt = sprintf( _g( "All Debian Packages in \"%s\"" ),
+ $key )."\n\n";
+ $title_txt .= _g( "Last Modified: " ).gmtime()."\n".
+ sprintf(_g( "Copyright (C) 1997-%d SPI;\nSee <URL:> for the license terms."), (gmtime)[5]+1900 )."\n\n";
+ $pages{$key}{textgz}->gzwrite($title_txt);
foreach my $sec (keys %{$sections->{$s}}) {
mkpath ( "$wwwdir/$key/$sec" );
my (%pkg,%virt);
my ($virt, $p_data) = split /\000/o, $data, 2;
%virt = split /\01/o, $virt;
- foreach (split /\000/o, $p_data) {
+ foreach (split /\000/o, $p_data||'') {
my @data = split ( /\s/o, $_, 8 );
$pkg{$data[1]} ||= new Packages::Page( $pkg );
$pkg{$data[1]}->merge_package( { package => $pkg,
$txt_str .= " $short_desc_txt\n";
print {$pages{$key}{fh}} $str
or die "couldn't write to output file: $!";
+ $pages{$key}{textgz}->gzwrite($txt_str)
+ or die "couldn't write to output file: ".$pages{$key}{textgz}->gzerror;
print {$pages{$key}{$section}{fh}} $str
or die "couldn't write to output file: $!";
if ($subsection ne '-') {
foreach my $s (@SUITES) {
my $key = $s;
print {$pages{$key}{fh}} '</dl>', trailer( "../" );
+ $pages{$key}{textgz}->gzclose or
+ warn "can't close text index file $wwwdir/$key/ ".$pages{$key}{textgz}->gzerror;
close $pages{$key}{fh} or
warn "can't close index file $wwwdir/$key/ $!";
rename( "$wwwdir/$key/",
"$wwwdir/$key/allpackages.en.html" );
+ rename( "$wwwdir/$key/",
+ "$wwwdir/$key/allpackages.en.txt.gz" );
foreach my $sec (keys %{$sections->{$s}{'us'}}) {
print {$pages{$key}{$sec}{fh}} '</dl>', trailer( "../../" );
close $pages{$key}{$sec}{fh} or
arch => { default => 'any', match => '^([\w-]+)$',
array => ',', var => \@archs, replace =>
{ any => \@ARCHITECTURES } },
- format => { default => 'html', match => '^(\w+)$', },
+ format => { default => 'html', match => '^([\w.]+)$', },
mode => { default => undef, match => '^(\w+)$', },
my %opts;
return send_file( 'allpackages', @_ );
+# no real need for more flexibility here, I think...
+my %mime_types = (
+ txt => 'text/plain',
+ 'txt.gz' => 'text/plain',
+ html => 'text/html',
+ );
+my %encoding = (
+ 'txt.gz' => 'x-gzip',
+ );
sub send_file {
my ($file, $params, $opts, $html_header) = @_;
$path .= "$opts->{archive}[0]/" if @{$opts->{archive}} == 1;
$path .= "$opts->{subsection}[0]/" if @{$opts->{subsection}};
# we don't have translated index pages for subsections yet
- $opts->{lang} = 'en' if @{$opts->{subsection}};
+ $opts->{lang} = 'en' if @{$opts->{subsection}} or $file eq 'allpackages';
$path .= "$file.$opts->{lang}.$opts->{format}";
unless (@Packages::CGI::fatal_errors) {
my $buffer;
if (open( INDEX, '<', "$wwwdir/$path" )) {
- my $charset = get_charset( $opts->{lang} );
- print header( -charset => $charset );
+ my %headers;
+ $headers{'-charset'} = get_charset( $opts->{lang} );
+ $headers{'-type'} = $mime_types{$opts->{format}} || 'text/plain';
+ $headers{'-content-encoding'} = $encoding{$opts->{format}} if exists $encoding{$opts->{format}};
+ print header( %headers );
binmode INDEX;
while (read INDEX, $buffer, 4096) {