[%- PROCESS 'config/archive_layout.tmpl' -%] [%- keyword_str = search_keywords.join(' '); keyword_esc = uri_escape(keyword_str); keyword_enc = html_encode(keyword_str); section_str = params.values.section.no_replace.join(', '); section_esc = uri_escape(section_str); section_enc = html_encode(section_str); suite_str = params.values.suite.no_replace.join(', '); suite_esc = uri_escape(suite_str); suite_enc = html_encode(suite_str); architectures_str = params.values.arch.no_replace.join(', '); architectures_esc = uri_escape(architectures_str); architectures_enc = html_encode(architectures_str); -%] [%- PROCESS 'html/head.tmpl' title_tag = "Package Search Results -- $keyword_enc" print_search_field = 'packages' search_field_values = { keywords => search_keywords.join(' '), searchon => opts.searchon_form, suite => params.values.suite.no_replace.join(','), architectures => params.values.arch.no_replace.join(','), sections => params.values.section.no_replace.join(','), } navigation = [ { name => 'Package Search Results' } ] -%]
You can try a different search on the Packages search page.
[% IF opts.searchon != "names" && opts.exact %]You have searched only for words exactly matching your keywords. You can try to search allowing subword matching [% END %] [% END %] [% IF opts.searchon == "names" && non_results %]
[% non_results %] results have not been displayed due to the search parameters.
[% END %][% msg %] [% IF results %] Found [% results %] matching packages.
[% END %] [% IF too_many_hits %] [% IF opts.searchon != "names" %]Note that this only shows the best matches, sorted by relevance. If the first few packages don't match what you searched for, try using more keywords or alternative keywords.
[% ELSE %]Your search was too wide so we will only display exact matches. At least [% too_many_hits %] results have been omitted and will not be displayed. Please consider using a longer keyword or more keywords.
[% END; END %] [% UNLESS results %]Sorry, your search gave no results
[% END %] [% FOREACH categories %] [% "[% skipped %] results have not been displayed because you requested only exact matches. [% END %]